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Background; History; Relationships

"Today has been ... a madhouse." ― Margaret Encino

Margaret Encino is a former executive at United Free Trade Planets and a co-owner of the Wurst. She is played by Ally Beardsley.


"Completely separate from anything you've seen so far this episode, my name is Margaret Encino. I'm a 24 year old entrepreneurial business woman and I work for UFTP, the United Free Trade Planets. I'm an executive, I'm actually very high functioning, and today has been... a mad house, okay. I had a revisions walkthrough for the Morocain Project followed by a virtual round table with the Troikani partners board. I paused for 20 minutes and checked my cell phone in. Okay, a little thing I like to do, 20 cell phone free minutes where I then had a full body tea tree and matcha massage. And then of course followed by my corner boss bi-cycle check-in. So yeah, I'm just kind of like in the groove, I'm answering phones, I'm just working from home, WFH." Ally Beardsley

Margaret is the only PC who doesn't start the series as part of the main crew, instead renting a non-functional escape pod as an apartment on the Red Hot.


Margaret is an extremely business focused person, she has a constant schedule and is always busy. She wants to try to help as many people as she can, and has a major soft spot for her co-worker Lucienne. She often plays a leading role amongst the crew, as she tends to display the most amount of self control and common sense but has been shown a potential to act irrationally when under high stress. She is also arguably the most physically sheltered of the group being largely intolerant to pain.


Margaret is a woman in her mid twenties, with copper-red hair styled in a bob with bangs and bright blue eyes. She dresses rather formally, in a blazer and white collared button up, black tie around her neck and a mid-thigh length pencil skirt. Alongside this she wears black kitten heels and has manicured black nails.


Margaret attended formal business school alongside her friend Lucienne. Upon graduation she bought them matching pendants shaped like cogwheels, to symbolize being a cog in the machine of business. Margaret presumably made lots of money at UFTP, as she easily covers the cost of the ship's repairs and has "a fully maxed out 401k" -Ally Beardsley. Because Margaret is a savant, she had started working for UFTP at age 18, and had worked for them for the past 6 years.



The Crew[]

At first, the rest of the crew did not know very much about Margaret while under the leadership of Norman "Skipper" Takamori, as she was simply a tenant, renting out the escape pod. After the ship had suffered an enormous amount of damage from its initial attack and Norman now suddenly unconscious, Margaret Encino quickly engendered awe and respect from the group when she personally payed for the ship's damages after its initial attack, alleviating much of the tension off of the crew. From then on, Margaret assumed a leadership role over the crew being the most suited for the position out of the process of elimination. As the most mature and level headed individual of the group, she often acts as its leader, directing the rest of the crew in the ship's day to day affairs especially when it concerns management and finance as well when the crew often suffer a lack of common sense. She quickly grew fond of the crew at the start of the series as her life was beginning to collapse, as they represented a sincere and kind contrast to her bleak and artificial corporate experience.

Lucienne Rex[]

Lucienne Rex, or Lucy as Margaret calls her, is Margaret's closest friend and work companion. The two of them graduated from the same college and both work under UFTP. Lucienne and Margaret were close friends when they started at UFTP, and although they still support each other, their relationship seems to have strained in the years since. Margaret seemed dismayed by news of Lucienne's engagement, most likely because she herself harbors romantic feelings for her (which Margaret vehemently denies when Riva brings it up on Baustin).


  • Margaret has posted a tasteful below the neck nude to reddit, following a post from the same account attempting to stir a rebellion. This post has simultaneously broken the record for the most reddit upvotes and downvotes, and therefore sits at an even ten. It's not implied if that's ten upvotes or downvotes.
  • The username of Margaret's burner Reddit account is "Hotbox420".
A Starstruck Odyssey Characters
Player Characters Skip | Riva | Sundry Sidney | Big Barry Syx | Gunthrie Miggles-Rashbax | Margaret Encino
United Free Trade Planets Lucienne Rex | Damien Factor | Higgs | Agent Oscars | Phil | Slim | Veep 909
Crown and Scepter, Ltd. Natalia Cicero Connie Lee Carter Bajar
Incorporated Elysian Republic Dread Dictator
Griivarr Family Handy Andi Android Manufacturers | Max Griivarr | B.O.B. Griivarr | Auma Liu
Acme Ashmun Dora Valentine | Ross | Cornelius Ashmun
Other Living Doll | Troikani Partners Board | Repo Reapers
Other Americadia Analinda Weatherall | Gust Weatherall | Brutus
Aguatunisia Cool Water of the Shaded Reef | Rising Bubbles from a Deep Volcanic Vent Many Fathoms Below Us
Cerebroslugs King Prilbus | Chamberlain Drablian | Seneschal Vrong
The Wurst Handy Annie | SQ | Raymond Zam | Autumn | Aurora Nebbins | Bambi Leroux | Galactic Girl Guides
Rec Station 97 Hyacinth Khrome | Salazar | Mona Medina | Zvoon | Mae | Myalor Nabthacks
Rubian V Princeps Zortch | Gnosis | Xhirhaus
New Texas Chesters | Lamelia Lefarve | Plug Strutt | Sheriff Warner Codge | Crunch Moon-Jones | Loose Duke
The Griivarr Worlds Ronnie Kwan | Dr. Edwina Castor | The Junkmother | Servo Sam | Sunlight Sparkling through the Upper Waters | Fantanimals | Jeremy
The U4F Ife Amari-Reyes | Captain Jan De La Vega | Needles | Captain Dan Scrap
Other Spacers Hogg Cobb | Shawna Waters | Kilogram Demitrius | Krang Voltro | Jasmine and Estrea Martinez
Misc Dr. Barry Bohunk | Barry Battalion | Barry Nyne | Sister Mildred of the Cosmic Veil | Professor Erwin Rashbax | Dr. Jeffrey Miggles | Warfare Whitney | Jimmy the Snout | Plinth | Sadie Zeb | Zeke Donaldson Quark | Chip Hatwell | Doc