"Yup. Back from the dead. [does a backwards somersault]" ― Master Dippins
Master Dippins is the royal fool and court jester at Castle Candy.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Master Dippins |
A Crown of Candy
Master Dippins is a somewhat cryptic jester. He can also do backwards somersaults and climb up trees quite easily.
As the battle begins on Sucrosi Road, he runs up a tree to hide. Before they leave once more for Comida, King Amethar asks Limon Longhalls to chase him out of the tree. When Limon pokes his halberd up to shake him out, he falls from the tree, pockets full of peppermint apples. He tells the party he was watching to make sure no one came back to the scene of the crime. Yes, he meant everyone coming back from the dead. He does a backwards somersault as he exits the conversation and into one of the carriages.
- His mini was sold as part of the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy Auction for $900