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This article is about the Aguefort student, Max Durden.
For the article about another Max, see Max.

Max Durden, also as the "Police State" Kid, is a drow activist student at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes featuring Max Durden

Fantasy High

Fantasy High: Junior Year



The younger of the Durden brothers, Max is a scrawny drow with long, shaggy hair in his junior year of high school. He has been seen wearing a black t-shirt with spray-painted red barbwire on it.[2]


Max is considered cool by the Aguefort student body. He is known to have a dangerous and rebellious streak, earning him the nickname "Boltcutter Max" as he often breaks into private property.[3] Compared to his older brother Corey, however, he's seen as "the chill one",[4] acting friendly and sympathetic towards the Bad Kids when they first properly meet.


Like Fig, Max grew up across the highway on the west side of Elmville, and continues to live there with his older brother. Their house is large and dilapidated, presenting as the middle point between rural and suburban. Its driveway ends in gravel, and a shed and tire swing sit at the back of the house. It is close to the old Faeth residence.[5][6]


After the Afterlife[]

Max appears for the first time protesting Biz's plan to install a new crystal surveillance system in the academy, likening it to a "police state". Fig backs him up in this sentiment.

Boys' Night! (Roll20Con)[]

Max invites Fabian and the boys of the Bad Kids to the house party he and his brother Corey were hosting, describing it as a "rager".[7] While Corey maintained the upper part of the house and the front yard, Max's party packed into the basement, consisting of other high school students from Aguefort. Before making it to Max's party, the boys were stopped by Corey. He took and dumped their hard-earned "nasty hooch" into his car, which they needed for Max's party. They arrived in the basement empty handed with the news that Corey stole their drink, and that they'd have to engage in a hazing challenge Corey called "stealth mode". Max, alarmed, describes stealth mode to the boys. They must survive at least a minute in a car driven by an unconscious Corey going full speed down the highway with all the lights off. Despite Max's reassurances, the boys head off to try and find a way out of the challenge.[8]

Under Pressure[]

On his first day of Junior Year, Max successfully tries out for the bloodrush team, the Aguefort Owlbears, hoping that a place on the bloodrush team will help him get invited to Seacaster Manor.

Party Politics[]

During the party at Seacaster Manor Max invites Kristen to smoke gorgenfern in the basement. He later emerges with red eyes and tries to join a conversation about philosophy. He lets Fabian know that something was broken in the basement, which Fabian learns was a cloud rider engine.

Stress Tested[]

After mandatory drug testing of all the students at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy, Principal Grix shoots a net at Max, capturing him until the Bad Kids set him free. He thanks the Bad Kids afterwards, telling them that Ivy Embra gave him the gorgenfern he smoked in Fabian's basement, and that he intends on voting for Kristen for President.


  • During an episode of Fantasy High Extra Credit, Brennan debunked headcanon that "Police State" Kid was the buffet kid in Prompocalypse revealing instead it was a student named Jem Peppercorn.


Fantasy High Characters
Player Characters Fabian Aramais Seacaster | Kristen Applebees | Gorgug Thistlespring | Adaine Abernant | Riz Gukgak | Figueroth Faeth | Hargis | Ficus
PC Families Seacaster Manor William Seacaster | Hallariel Seacaster | Cathilda Ceíli
Applebees Residence Mac and Donna Applebees | Bucky Applebees | Bricker and Cork Applebees
Thistlespring Tree Wilma and Digby Thistlespring | Gorbag | Roz
Abernant Home Angwyn Abernant | Arianwen Abernant | Aelwyn Abernant
Gukgak Home Sklonda Gukgak | Pok Gukgak
Faeth Home Sandra Lynn Faeth | Gilear Faeth | Gorthalax the Insatiable | Baxter
Faculty Arthur Aguefort | Goldenhoard | Mr. Gibbons | Doreen | Jace Stardiamond | Porter Cliffbreaker | Coach Daybreak | Jawbone O'Shaughnessey | Maugly Dimweather | Corsica Jones | Fatima al-Aydaa | Ellarian Fallowglade | Mr. Pepper
Students Penelope Everpetal | Dayne Blayde | Ragh Barkrock | Zayn Darkshadow | Sam Nightingale | Penny Luckstone | Ostentatia Wallace | Biz Glitterdew | Skrank Douglas | Shellford Turtleperson | Zelda Donovan | Katja Cleaver | Danielle Barkstock | Antiope Jones | Max Durden | Jem Peppercorn | Torek Railgrinder | Carie Zatrial | Cody
Other Deities Sol | Helio | YES!/YES? | Galicaea | Suspicious Vulture
& Monsters
Corn Ooze & Corn Cuties | Johnny Spells | Johnny Spells's Gang | DJ Brainzz | Sasha, Lord of Whispers | Marrow | Alston Hughes | Crush | Owlbear | Frisbee Man/Sand Demon | Angela Worrel | Kalvaxus | The Nightmare King | Occularia | The Party Fouls
Misc Herzon | Dusty | Yandi | The Hangman | The Cubbys | Basrar | Tracker O'Shaughnessey | Sylvester | Edgar | Sexy Rat | Philosophers | Madam Silvaine | Little Gilear | Percival Nevelsvine | Pastor Amelia | Bubble Glitterdew | Dr. Asha | The Tornado | Rodolfo | Frank Dunford
Fantasy High: Junior Year Characters
Player Characters Fabian Seacaster | Kristen Applebees | Gorgug Thistlespring | Adaine Abernant | Riz Gukgak | Fig Faeth
Vehicles, Familiars and Creations The Hangman | The Hangvan | Wretchrot | Boggy the Froggy | Moggy the Doggy | Cloaca | K2 | Gerard Neigh | Baxter
PC Families Mordred Manor Sandra Lynn Faeth | Jawbone O'Shaughnessey | Ragh Barkrock | Lydia Barkrock | Zayn Darkshadow | Ayda Aguefort | Edgar
Others William Seacaster | Hallariel Seacaster | Gilear Faeth | Gorthalax the Insatiable | Wilma and Digby Thistlespring | Sklonda Gukgak | Pok Gukgak | Aelwyn Abernant | Arianwen Abernant | Mac and Donna Applebees | Bucky Applebees | Bricker and Cork Applebees | Gorbag | Roz | Telemaine Lomenelda | Cathilda Ceíli
Faculty Arthur Aguefort | Principal Arcturus Grix | Porter Cliffbreaker | Jace Stardiamond | Tiberia Runestaff | Terpsichore Skullcleaver | Lucilla Lullaby | Yolanda Badgood | Corsica Jones | Henry Hopclap | Zara Sool | Simeon du Vayne | Halo St. Croix | Bobby Dawn | Eugenia Shadow
Students Kipperlilly Copperkettle | Ruben Hopclap | Mazey Phaedra | Mary Ann Skuttle | Max Durden | Torek Railgrinder | Oisin Hakinvar | Ivy Embra | Skrank Douglas | Shellford Turtleperson | Buddy Dawn | Sprak LeFevre | Gertie Bladeshield | Molman Holden | Lucy Frostblade | Cody | Ficus
Alumni Jem Peppercorn | Zelda Donovan | Corey Durden
Bastion City Gavin Pundle | Agent Cuspin Clark | Alston Hughes | Tectonya Karkovnya | Lola Embers
Synod Mall Biff | Conor Counterspell
Wolfsong Tracker O'Shaughnessey | Princess Naradriel
Summer Break Allies Duggan McCann | Balthazar | Ecaf | Squeem
Deities Cassandra | YES! | Ruvina | Ankarna | Logran Soulforger
Galicaea | Helio | Sol | Ollie | The Nightmare King | Bakarath
Extraplanar Entities The Night Yorb | Bakur | Alistair Ash | Kalina
Vultures The Vulture King | Suspicious Vulture
Misc. The Cubbys | Craig | Gulsom | Sir Davin | Basrar | Sexy Rat | Baron from the Baronies