Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki


The Times of Shadow[]

Mirror, Mirror[]

No Place For a Prince or Princess[]

Once Upon A Time[]

  • "Get that fucking bonnet off your head."- to the Gander
  • "I've got my third wish right here." *flips Gander the bird*

Down Came the Rain[]

The Curdled Web[]

Trouble in Tuffeton[]

  • "Just because you're small, it doesn't matter!" -start of pep-talk to the Itsy Bitsy Spider
  • "I think it's important that we're honest about this, right? 'Cause we have to take stock of where we're at to improve it, but everyone knows that that wasn't really you. You know, that was something kind of taking you over, and if that's something that you don't want them you know, we can-" {villager shrieks in the distance} "Okay, yeah, you know, a lot of people were, pretty much, were kinda hurt by you. What did it feel like when that took over you? Did it feel like it was really you or did it feel like you had a new skin over you?" -to Little Miss Muffet
  • "I have a son, and he was so much more than this, you know? It's just some of this writing is so one dimensional. You know, you just barely hear anything about the person, so, you know, we could work on, I don't know, putting yourself out there and getting to know people. I'm telling you the truth, everyone in our group completely sees you-" {villagers shrieking} "um, exactly how you are, and when it comes to confidence, I swear, this group of people, they're so good at just kind of gassing you up for you being you. And when it comes down to-" {villagers shrieking} "you being you- that's beautiful. What is life if not learning to be comfortable-" {villagers shrieking} "in your own skin?" -to Little Miss Muffet

The Lines Between[]


The Baron of Bricks[]

Big and Bad[]

A Warm Heart and a Tombstone[]

Terror on Toy Island[]

Daughters of the Crown[]

Leap of Faith[]

In the Land of Giants[]

The Last Wish[]

The Trials of Baba Yaga[]

The Ending of All Things (Part 1)[]

The Ending of All Things (Part 2)[]

  • {Jack, "See? Sometimes I got good ideas! I know what's going on!"} "I'm gonna level with you. They're not always good, and I think having an honest parent is better than me just saying they're always good. So sometimes they're good, and when they're not, they're just not, and I love you both times." {Jack, "I love you both times too, Dad. Now, there's a guy who had beans that I've heard about!"} "Okay, we're going to go over a budget."