Mucky is a nightmare (horse), and the childhood steed of Prince Andhera.
When Andhera casts Find Steed, a pool of pure, clean cave water starts bubbling up from the ground and coalescing into the form of Mucky. Once Mucky is formed, a dark black murkiness clouds up from the bottom, filling out the shape of the horse. Being a nightmare, they have a firey mane and tail, the latter tail causing the Hedge Maze to catch on fire a little bit when touched. Brennan also describes Mucky as "fiery-hoofed." Andhera's rain water gets absorbed into Mucky when it hits them. Mucky is made of cave water, and as such, Andhera has to fight himself not to lick Mucky, as cave water is his favourite food.
Mucky is very affectionate with Andhera, nuzzling and head butting his hand. They are also very loyal and willing to do whatever Andhera asks. The two of them can communicate without speaking.
Andhera and Mucky grew up together. It can be assumed that Mucky is the same horse that K. P. Hob knocked Andhera off of during their first meeting.
When Mucky first forms, Andhera tells them they missed them.
Andhera casts Find Steed in the Hedge Maze, causing Mucky to form. Mucky intitially starts to eat the hedge, and then accidentially starts to set it on fire. Both were stopped by Andhera. The prince then feeds Mucky a Potion of Haste, giving Mucky a 180-foot speed, increasing up to a maximum of 540-feet (as fast as five ostriches), which is faster even than the Maze can keep up with. This allows Andhera to catch up with their sister on horseback, dramatically blasting through the leaves to land next to Princess Suntar. Andhera looks very hot while riding on Mucky, and his rain cloud rains with a "healthy spring rain."
Andhera convinces Suntar to mount Mucky, saying that getting the Crystal Heart (the prize of the Hedge Maze competition), would be an honor to the family, an honor their mother would prefer she win. When she is on the nightmare, Andhera responds, "Dear sister, get fucked!" snaps his fingers, and orders Mucky into the opposite direction of the Crystal Heart, eliminating her from the competition. This stunt wins Andhera a token in the shape of a glass knight chess piece.
A Court of Fey & Flowers Characters | |||
Player Characters | Prince Andhera | BINX Choppley | Lady Chirp Featherfowl | Delloso de la Rue | Gwyndolin Thistle-hop | Major K. P. Hob | Lord Squak Airavis | ||
Non-Player Characters |
Animal Companions | Grandpa Dog | Mucky | Wrackingspelt | |
The Goblin Court | The Goblin King | Viscountess Grabalba | Scorple Lord Blemish and Lady Boil | Captain Gorebladder | Ustain Bolt | ||
The Court of Hoof and Claw | Theodore | ||
The Seafoam Court | Baroness Alven | Ephendra | Kiri | Sorwen | The Wavemaster | ||
The Seelie Court | King Oberon | Lady Sylmenar | ||
The Court of Stone | Jarl Korguf | Claete | Ruyin | ||
The Unseelie Court | The Queen of Air and Darkness | Advisor | Princess Suntar | ||
The House of the Wing | Grandfather | Gobble | Caw | ||
The Court of Wonder | Prince Apollo | The Blue Fairy | Wuvvy | The Chorus | ||
The Trickster Court | Fable | ||
Unknown Courts | Capacea | Leona and Thymor | The Hedge Maze | ||
The Material Plane | Mika | Scratch | Wannessa | Esmé | Peep | Jeremy Renner |