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Are you my Dad? Am I my own dad!?

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Murph and Emily's Friend is the eighth episode of Adventuring Academy (Season 2). It features Caldwell Tanner as a guest.


Questions Answered[]

  • "Caldwell, when you come up with a character, do you draw art for them immediately? Or do you wait until you play a few sessions to fill out some more details?"
  • "Brennan has discussed how voices and improv have translated to and improved his DM-ing. Is there anything you have learned in creating art and running Drawga that has translated into how you DM more standard campaigns so well?"
  • “Was it nerve wracking or comforting to have an experienced DM like Murph, playing in one of your first forays into DM-ing? Trinyvale was dope, B-T-W.”
  • “Hey Caldwell, did you know that the way we perceive the earth to be flat, people would perceive a cubed planet as a bowl?”
  • "What overpowered homebrew magic items would you have given Deadeye if he was a character in your campaign?"
  • "Caldwell, in Trinyvale, you used they, them pronouns in addition to binary pronouns for a lot of NPCs. Was this intentional? As a nonbinary person, it made me incredibly happy to hear my pronouns being used on characters so often. So thank you for that. How do you make sure you're being inclusive of identities and different groups of people that you may not have playing at the table?"
  • "Howdy Caldwell? As an artist, I find myself designing elements of my game purely for cool aesthetics, neglecting key mechanics that may have consequences later on. Have you ever found yourself accidentally prioritizing form over function like this? How can I avoid this?"