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Null is Nod's oldest sibling, often manifesting as a mysterious figure in a suit. It was seen by both Sofia Lee and Pete Conlan.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring the figure |
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II
The figure appears as a person dressed in a suit, though not like a normal person might. The way it appears is as a silhouette of shadow and sapped color from whatever it's standing in front of. In Nod, it appeared to speak to Pete through his cellphone, and sounded like someone Pete went to high school with.
While the figure is discernible, it is merely a lure, comparable to the luminescent fin ray of an anglerfish. Its true form is boundless, its mass is massless, and it extends much further and much deeper into the Dreaming than anything else.
Null, as an entity, is not really an 'entity,' so to speak. However, calling Null a 'thing' humanizes it too much, it is so other and inhuman that it is simply not a Being and... simply is. However, it does refer to itself as "I" so it is clearly intelligent enough to understand itself as a concept.
It has been compared to a Shark, hunting, cold, and unending. When it is lurking, as a predator, it blots out all stars and can only be seen as a nothingness while in Nod. When Pete faces down against Null, he only survives due to his incredibly powerful skill as a mage, as an expert scuba diver might escape from a Megalodon.
As a being of nothingness, the idea of information is toxic to its nature. Vox Phantasma, Vox Populi, and the Lisowski Chest (and Dragons in general) are its primary targets. Dragons, as those who remember history and stories, are antithetical to Null. Vox Populi, as those who ensure that everyone is cared for, help remove Antipopuli, and thus weaken Null, similar to how the three animal totems, Spicy Pigeon, Juicy Cockroach and The Unicorn of New York City are. And the Vox Phantasma carries a portion of a Monarch of Dream, which Null seeks to consume.
Before there was space and time, there was Null - nothing. It was literally everything. Eventually other things emerged, which diminished Null. It works to regain its ubiquity.
This thing is the reason why both Josefina Gatsby and Hans Fischer disappeared from the waking world entirely and have never been heard from nor seen again; it absorbed them. Null also absorbed Heather Simos during her time as Vox Phantasma.
Null is older than a concept of a name, and was greatly distressed to have been named by Pete. However, the speaking of this name can summon the entity, despite the fact that it does not like this name.