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This article is about Liam Wilhelmina's pig from A Crown of Candy, Peppermint Preston.
For the article about Charity Blythe's assistant from The Seven, see Preston.
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Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 14 of A Crown of Candy, proceed at your own risk.

"Liam is the son. Preston is the pig." Duke Joren Jawbreaker

Peppermint Preston is the animal companion of Liam Wilhelmina.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Preston
A Crown of Candy
Time Quangle


Preston is a peppermint piglet and animal companion to Liam Wilhelmina. He's very soft and has sort of a peach fuzz to him, and he's cool to the touch, so great for wearing around your neck when you need to cool down on hot days. However, he is pretty heavy to carry.

He and Liam enjoy spending their days out in the woods searching for rare seeds. As an Animal Companion, Preston can give the Help action in battle. When he dreams, he dreams of seeds.


There is Strength in Sweetness[]

Preston accompanies Liam into the peppermint woods outside of Castle Candy, where they run into Whoppins and Paz. Preston jumps out in front of Liam to protect him, before Whoppins and Paz reveal that they mean no harm, and are only there to deliver a message. After Liam reads the message, a threat from his brother, Grash, he feeds the note to Preston. On a full belly, he falls asleep in Liam's arms. As Liam heads back to Castle Candy, Preston dreams of seeds, and an Old Glade of the Sweetening Path appears before them.

Ambush on the Sucrosi Road[]

During the attack by cheese brigands, Preston stays close to Liam.

Keep Sharp[]

After the battle on the Sucrosi Road, Liam finds three mysterious, magical seeds in the tree that was blocking the road. After Liam fed him the seeds, Preston suddenly shot up to sky and and landed on the roof of a nearby farmhouse. The seeds, called Heart Seeds, were rare seeds that had soaked up remnant magic from the fallen peppermint tree. Consuming them grants a minor wish, and Preston had wished to fly, but since the seeds have limited capabilities, they were only able to grant him flight for a very short amount of time.

The Grand Tournament[]

During the Grand Tournament, Preston grants Liam the Help action during the archery competition.

Chaos in the Cathedral[]

Preston goes to protect Lapin's unconscious body and is beaten into unconsciousness by Sir Keradin Deeproot.

Safe Harbor[]

After Liam Wilhelmina reached Castle Candy, he held a funeral for Preston, at the same time Lapin's.


  • Familiar: can give Liam the "Help" action in battle
  • Movement: can fly 40 feet per round in battle, but must end turn on a solid surface
  • Spells: can cast the following spells once per long rest, without expending a spell slot: Find the Path, Find Traps, and Alarm


  • Colby twitter created a homebrew creature inspired by Preston! Peppermint Pig
  • Preston gives the Help action with his kisses.
  • When casting Alarm, he sneezes peppermint dust.
  • He really wishes he could fly.
  • His mini was sold as part of the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy Auction for $3,200
A Crown of Candy Characters
Player Characters King Amethar of House Rocks | Princess Jet Rocks | Princess Ruby Rocks | Sir Theobald Gumbar | Chancellor Lapin Cadbury | Liam Wilhelmina of House Jawbreaker | Cumulous Rocks | Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip
Animal Companions Peppermint Preston | Sprinkle | Yak | Princess | Cinnamon
NPCs Candia
House Rocks Queen Caramelinda | General Rococoa | Saint Citrina | Archmage Lazuli | Princess Sapphria | King Jadain | Queen Pamelia
Duke Joren Jawbreaker | Grash | Spearia Mentha
Order of the
Spinning Star
Swifty | Gooey | Jon Bon
Other Lord Calroy Cruller | The Tartguard | Limon Longhalls | Sir Toby | Herald Poncival Pishpuff | Sir Amanda Maillard | Cirinda | Whoppins | Paz | Lady Whipperly | Lord Finnegan Swirlie | Lady Swirlie | Licorina Loghead | Bitternight Darknibs | Cranberry Tallcake | Master Dippins | Lady Donetta Cruller | Limey | Johan Battenburg
House Uvano Emperor Gustavo Uvano | Lady Plumbeline Uvano | Lord Consort Rufus Applebottom
Other Viscount Thaddeus Strongpit | Lord Chiquito Citron
Ceresia Banner
Ceresian Senate Senator Augustus Ciabatta | Senator Semolina
Other Commander Constano Grissini | Imperator Focaccia | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Lady Linguina Freccia | Ceresian Gladiator
The Dairy
House Cheddar Duchess Primsy Coldbottle | Captain Annabelle Cheddar | Prince Tarthur Cheddar
House Bleu Lord Stilton Curdeau | Cheese Marauders
Other Manta Ray Jack | Sir Morris Brie | Father Belford Buttercream | Catherine Ghee
Vegetania Banner
House Cabbage King Belvedere Cabbage | Prince Nezemiah Cabbage | Princess Maisy Cabbage
The Bulbian
Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica | Archbishop Oliver Onionpatch | Sir Keradin Deeproot | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Archbishop Raddica Rutabagans | Saint Turnipat | Saint Arugula | Bartholomew Broccolpatch
Other Sir Bonathan Flashfry
The Meat Lands
Meat Lands Banner
Basha Myaso | Scravoya Myaso | Jawbone
Deities The Bulb | The Hungry One | The Sugar-Plum Fairy | The Great Beasts