Pinocchi-Crow is the familiar of Pinocchio, given to him by his Stepmother. He is a crow, but can assume the form of a spider. In spider-form, he is named Spinocchio.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Pinocchi-Crow |
Pinocchi-Crow looks like a crow in his standard form. He sits on Pinocchio's shoulder, and is about as big as the puppet boy himself.
Mechanically, he shares the same DC as Pinocchio.
After Pinocchio dies, his Stepmother gives the puppet Pinocchi-Crow to act as his familiar before bringing him back to life, and sending him away to carry out her wishes. When travelling to the caves of Tuffeton, Pinocchi-Crow is used as a watch for the travelling party. Once within the caves, he provides the same function, but also as his Spinocchio form.
During the battle with the spiders in the mines of Tuffeton, Pinocchi-Crow, cast in blue Fairy Fire, illunimates Little Miss Muffet, revealling her presence to the party. He also cuts Pinocchio out of the giant web multiple times before being taken out of the fight.
When the gang arrives in The Lines Between, Pinocchi-Crow arrives, and immediately disappears from the group, much to their unease. Puss in Boots reveals him in in the Tower of Tales library as Pinocchi-Crow tries to steal the book of Cinderella's story. During the battle, PIB can see an opening door outlined in Pinocchi-Crow's eyes. PIB responds by stabbing those eyes to stop whomever's trying to open the doors within.
- Able to attack with poison or piercing damage
- Immunity to poison
- Resistance to slashing damage
- Fly speed (crow form) of 40 feet
- Ability to transform into a spider
- Due to the 3d6 poison damage Pinocchi-Crow does, it can be assumed he has the stats of an Imp.
- Additionally, Imps have the ability to turn into a Spider, Crow, or Rat.