Priapus is one of the satyrs in the band at the wedding of Angela Confetti and Ronald Pigeon.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes featuring Priapus |
The Unsleeping City
Priapus is a satyr possessed with the spirit of the wild, and is very straightforward about the fact that he is sexually attracted to Misty Moore. He's fucked every member of his band.
At the wedding, he and Misty recognize each other immediately, as he played in the orchestra for a play that she did called A Midnight Cabaret. They flirt for a while, Priapus being very sexually forward in propositioning her, but Misty gracefully dodges agreeing to any of his advances.
They meet again in Hall of Heroes when the faeries are assembled and express disappointment that yet again, there is no opportunity to have sex. Priapus then leads the faeries on their way to Time Square.
- Priapus is named after the minor Greek god of livestock, fruit, fertility and penises, who is marked in art and literature by his enormous erection.