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"I belong on the battlefield, she belongs in the sky!" ― Princess Jet Rocks
Princess Jet Rocks is a princess of Candia, and the daughter of King Amethar and Queen Caramelinda. She is Princess Ruby Rocks's twin, older by two minutes. She is played by Emily Axford.
Quick Answers
Who are the parents of Princess Jet Rocks?
What is the relationship between Princess Jet Rocks and Princess Ruby Rocks?
What is the significance of Princess Jet Rocks' black peasants garb?
What is Princess Jet Rocks' stance on her future as a heir to the throne?
How does Princess Jet Rocks' personality reflect in her choice of clothing?
"I am Princess Jet Rocks, reluctant future heir to the throne, [Brennan: By two minutes.] and God willing, future abdicator of the throne. Um, I’m wearing like all black peasants garb. I basically… I basically believe that my destiny was to be a great warrior and I’m cursed to have been born in a time of peace. So I’ve got some, like, white chocolate war paint on my cheeks, I’ve like, whittled down a candy cane to use as a weapon, and I’m charging to Dulcington." ― Emily Axford
Jet was the heir (and self-proclaimed "hopeful abdicator") of the throne. She and her sister were very close and hoped to be seen as "princesses of the people”, perhaps even shedding the “princess” part of that title in her aspiration to become a warrior. They were incredibly supportive of each other in both their wild ambitions and clever deceptions, which made the two of them enormous thorns in the side of their advisors and parents.
Unlike most of Candia, Jet dressed in all black. She wielded Flickerish, the Twizzling Blade, as a weapon, previously owned by her aunt, General Rococoa, and gifted by her father to her on her 18th Saints Day. Along with her sister, Ruby, she carried one half of the Locket of the Sweetest Heart. She also carried a meat shield that is a chunk of blackened, oily meat, which she named Burnt Ends.
There is Strength in Sweetness[]
Princess Jet Rocks is first introduced as she and her twin sister, Ruby, flee Castle Candy and their lessons with Chancellor Lapin Cadbury. They'd left sugar-straw scarecrows in their place, very effectively fooling Lapin, who was too caught up in his lecture to really notice. They escaped to Dulcington, which they often do. On their way, Jet smashes any depiction of the royal crest she can find with a bundle of illegal books, and tosses a gemstone to a passing farmer.
In Dulcington, she and Ruby meet up with Cirinda, an Imperial courier, who has something for the both of them. She hands Jet a letter from Thad, a super sexy avocado living in Fructera, whom she met once when they were eight. They continued their correspondence, which seems to have turned slightly sexual in nature. In his letter, Thad waxes poetic on what he's heard of Jet's beauty (since it's been a decade since they last saw each other), and how he longs to see her again. Coincidentally, he tells her that he knows of an imminent opportunity for them to finally meet again: he has it on good word that there is to be travel from Castle Candy to Comida, the capital of Calorum located in Fructera. Jet is both flattered and flustered by his letter, and excitedly asks Ruby if she's up for a road trip, and Ruby eagerly agrees.
They are soon found by Sir Theobald Gumbar, accompanied by Sir Toby and Lapin, and are carried back to Castle Candy.
Ambush on the Sucrosi Road[]
Keep Sharp[]
Jet and her family finally arrive in Comida. She flirts with Commander Constano Grissini, which her sister jokes about and reminds her of her romance with Thaddeus Strongpit.
At a feast that evening, she reunites with Thaddeus, who she's been exchanging love letters with. Thad approaches as Jet, Ruby, and Liam are playing a drinking game with the Fructeran wine, and Jet is immediately disappointed by what she sees, downing her entire glass of wine. Using twin speak, Jet and Ruby discuss how Thaddeus in-person compares to the fantasies Jet had of him. In an attempt to let him down smoothly, Jet tells Thad there was a mix-up and that she hadn't meant to sent him her underwear. She asks for the underwear back, to which Thad tells her he has worn the underwear all week and had to get it taken out to accommodate his size. He tears the underwear off and hands it back to her, much to her disgust. With Thaddeus still clueless, Jet tells him to go out in an alley outside and wait for her to have sex. He excitedly tells her he will wait all night and leaves her alone; Jet purposefully avoids that alley for the rest of the night.
Jet also meets Duchess Primsy Coldbottle, the ruler of the Dairy Islands, at the feast, overhearing that it is her first Grand Tournament, as well. The younger duchess is starstruck by the cool Jet and Ruby and gifts them with a piece of embroidered milk silk, a cool, liquid fabric used by the Dairy Islands, and the embroidery shows a candy cane crossed with a piece of cheese on a stick. Moved by the gesture, Jet is guilty that she doesn't have a gift to return to Primsy and improvises with a piece of wood that she carves "Dairy Island rules!" with her rapier and has Ruby burn a little bit with her lantern, presumably for aesthetic purposes. When presenting Primsy with the piece of wood, she tells her it is supposed to be used when she is eating al fresco, like a place mat. Primsy is equally moved by this gift, despite the hastiness, and happily accepts it.
Ruby, Jet, and Liam meet Primsy's cousin, Captain Annabelle Cheddar, who they learn was the heir to the Dairy Islands, but she gave that up when she announced she would never marry, and therefore, never continue her bloodline with a legitimate heir. Jet, Ruby, and Liam are immediately enamored by her sense of freedom.
As people begin signing up for the Grand Tournament, Jet expresses irritation that people may not want her to fight since she is the heir to the Candian throne However, she quickly gets the support of her family and signs up to join the Grand Melee alongside Amethar, and asks Theobald if she can borrow Sprinkle to be her cheerleader.
The Grand Tournament[]
Jet participates in the Grand Melee in a separate ring from Amethar. Instead, she is fighting some Commander Grissini, Captain Annabelle Cheddar, and Sir Bonathan Flashfry. Before the fight begins, she very publicly requests an alliance with Captain Annabelle, that they might fight together until it is just the two of them left, and in hopes of honoring Annabelle, Jet tactlessly announces she will follow in her stead by refusing to marry. This announcement is a big shock for the crowd, as she has unintentionally renounced her claim to the Candian throne, and has also embarrassed Annabelle by bringing up her most embarrassing, personal moment in front of the entire tournament.
After her attempt at making an alliance fails, Jet battles Commander Grissini and manages to overpower him on the battlefield. She initially thinks this will upset him, but when they exchange a look, it is clear that he is very pleased and even more attracted to Jet because of her battle prowess.
She continues to fight until it becomes clear that Amethar is suffering a fatal wound in the arena next to her. Jet gets Commander Grissini to try and help her father and goes to follow them before declaring that if she were to be considered the winner of the melee, she would defer her win to Annabelle if she agrees to help Amethar. The match is discontinued as first aid is applied and the search for the assassin is resolved. With the assassination attempt and a public use of magic by Liam, Jet's accidental slight against Annabelle would have gotten lost in the chaos, but she still goes out of her way to approach the captain and apologize, saying that she meant to honor her for making such a cool and brave decision for her freedom. Annabelle seems to forgive Jet, telling her, "I thought it was pretty cool, too."
Lapin's Big Day[]
After the two assassination attempts on Amethar, as well as the growing suspicion and distrust towards Ruby and Liam for their magical use, Jet is on edge and unsure of who to trust. As the Candians group together to discuss where they stand, Amethar says he can only trust where he's at with the Meat Lands and Fructera, to which Jet says she can't even trust those, and she is very quick to shoot Liam down when he suggests trusting the Dairy Islands.
During their private meeting, they discuss who Theobald should nominate to be considered as a candidate for emperor's successor, a prize he won from the jousting competition. When Queen Caramelinda is suggested, Jet argues that she knows her mother to be cold and distrusting towards the outside world, so she would not be fit to rule over all of Calorum, nor would she be happy.
When Emperor Gustavo calls for the winners of the Grand Tournament as well as King Amethar, Jet accompanies her father, Liam, and Theobald and sees that Annabelle Cheddar was named the winner of the melee tournament due to everyone else running out of the arena to assist Amethar, and Jet deferring her win to Annabelle. While the emperor speaks to the winners, Jet checks to see if anyone's heard about Thad still being in the alleyway, to which it is revealed that he still is waiting for her and has been having servants bring him bedpans to use to relieve himself.
After the arrest of Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi, Jet and Ruby meet with Senator Augustus Ciabatta and discover a hidden alchemist's lab that once belonged to Fettucina, where they find out that she held many secrets and lies for the Bulbian Church and Ceresia. They also discover that this lab is where Fettucina buIlt the water daggers that Sir Keradin Deeproot used when attempting to kill Amethar at the Grand Tournament. Senator Ciabatta keeps many of the secretive documents from the princesses, explaining they are dangerous, ruinous secrets that only affect Ceresia, but both princesses take water steel daggers for themselves.
After the death of Emperor Gustavo Uvano and people begin to argue about who the successor will be, it is publicly revealed by Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica, using Saint Citrina's Book of Leaves that compels people to tell the truth, that King Amethar had a previous marriage to a peasant woman in the Dairy Islands named Catherine Ghee. The Pontifex declares Amethar an enemy of the Church, and also states his marriage to Caramelinda illegitimate, and Ruby and Jet bastards with no claim to the throne. In a plot against Candia, the Pontifex also declares that Candia is at war with the Concord, as their next in line for the throne is Amethar's uncle, Liam's dad, Joren Jawbreaker, who has been in open rebellion of the Concord for the last 20 years.
Chaos in the Cathedral[]
Upon the Pontifex's declaration of war and orders to imprison the Candians, Jet immediately goes to kill Pontifex Brassica using her watersteel dagger. She gravely injures the Pontifex but is thrown away from the fight by Amethar, who orders Jet to take her sister and leave. Jet repeatedly refuses, telling Amethar she cannot leave him and that he knows no matter how far she's pulled from the fight, she will come back.
Jet ultimately has to flee the fight with Ruby, Liam, Theobald, and Amethar after Chancellor Lapin and Preston fall, but the entire party stops long enough to watch through a window as Sir Keradin Deeproot and the Pontifex brutally beat Lapin to death.
Escape from the Bulb Creeps[]
While escaping Comida, Jet has a flashback of learning to swordfight with her father's best friend, Lord Calroy Cruller. In the flashback, she is very critical of the current establishment and rules of Calorum and tells Lord Cruller that she plans on changing things when she rules. Back in the present, Jet wordlessly guides the group to meet up with Viscount Thaddeus Strongpit, who is still waiting for her in the alleyway, weak and delirious from lack of sleep. His affections undeterred, Thad continues to proposition Jet, who pretends to go along with him so long as he can call his carriage for them. However, a grief-stricken Liam punches Thad so hard that he completely knocks the viscount out. Jet threatens the servants and man-at-arms attending Thad that if they say anything, they will die.
To avoid arousing suspicion, Ruby puts the servants to sleep and disguises herself as Thad. Jet plays along, pretending to flirt with Thad/Ruby and they tell the carriage driver that they are getting married. The carriage driver offers to take them back to the Cathedral for a wedding, but they continue to lie to him saying that they are having a shotgun beach wedding as Jet is suddenly pregnant, and successfully have the carriage take them to the docks where they hide away in Captain Annabelle Cheddar's ship, The Colby, as stowaways.
After their location is discovered by Annabelle and Primsy Coldbottle, Jet and the Rocks family appeal to the Dairy Islanders for help and passage to the Great Candy Rock Mountains, given their past friendship. However, Primsy buckles under the pressure of the decision and defers to Annabelle, who says that they cannot openly support the Candians without becoming a political enemy of the Concord and the Bulbian Church, but agrees to take them back to the Dairy Islands as well-treated prisoners. Annabelle orders them to be given rooms, but Primsy visits and requests their presence for an after-dinner tea.
At the tea, the Rocks family continues to try and persuade Primsy to take them to Joren Jawbreaker. Jet tells Primsy that she is a strong, independent woman and doesn't need to take orders from anyone, including Annabelle, but they ultimately fail to convince her when Theobald insinuates that Primsy's new husband, Lord Stilton Curdeau, married her for nefarious purposes. Insulted, Primsy abruptly ends the tea and goes to the crow's nest to wave goodbye to her departing husband, and Jet sneakily follows her.
Deep Bleu Sea[]
Jet stands in the crow's nest with Primsy. From a House Bleu ship, Stilton swings on to the nest and stabs Primsy, unaware of Jet's presence. Cumulous Rocks appear on the marauder's boat below and introduces himself to her. She turns back to Stilton and wipes shadow from her eyes as she stabs him with Flickerish. As Stilton is knocked off the crow's nest, Jet hurdle's a hidden dagger at him sending him to the bottom of the ocean. She kneels down next to Primsy and attempts to heal her but she does not know how. Primsy apologizes for not believing them earlier to which Jet reassures her that she is a strong woman for standing by her choices. From below on the Colby Ruby sends Yak up to the crows nest to give aid to Jet.
Theobald swings up by a rope to join her in the crow's nest but is also unable to stabilize Primsy. As more people attack Jet picks up Primsy and jumps down to the small boat with Cumulous with Yak following close behind. Seeing the Colby sinking further into the sea, marauders abandon the ship back into their rowboat and row away. the front marauder fires a shot a Cumulous but it is deflected back at injuring the assailant. The other marauders hook on to the small boat. As Cumulous leaps into the marauder's rowboat and kills one of them in a flurry of his staff, Jet is finally able to stabilize Primsy. Above her Annabelle notices and gives her a salute with her sabre in thanks. Jet then knocks the ropes of from the small boat and the rowboat is unmoored.
As the Colby sinks further into the sea the waves knock Jet overboard. Her father see the trouble his family is in and jumps back onto the Colby and gets the last crew member to swing the ship towards the smaller boats. They sees Ruby go overboard but the only thing Amethar can do from his position is join the attack on the row boat. raging he starts throwing men overboard into the mast of the other ship giving Ruby the chance to get to safety. Jet jumps onto the rowboat and sneak attacks the marauders. Annabelle is finally able to climb to safety aboard and she take the wheel from Liam. In the distance they see the farthest House Bleu marauder ship sail away without a captain.
Theobald, Jet, Amethar, and Cumulous are left with two marauders who promptly kneel and surrender. Cumulous kills one maraudars and Jet kills the other. Primsy is brought onto the rowboat with the group and then they all board the House Bleu marauder ship.
Safe Harbor[]
La Fondue sails in through a storm heading towards open sea. With most of the Cheddar sailors down the Rock family have to help sail the ship with Captain Annabelle who has lashed herself to the helm. As the storm passes the group are able to go below deck to rest. Having fought that morning in the cathedral and then on the Colby most of the group passes out due to exhaustion. Cumulous and Theobald stay up conversing about the monks and bonding over their mutual connection to Lazuli.
They awaken the next morning to the storm gone and the Cheddar crew gathered on deck for the funeral at sea for their fallen comrade with Annabelle presiding over. Afterwards Primsy emerges from below decks and invites the Royal House of Rocks to a parley in the captains quarters. There they tell Annabelle and Primsy the events that happened in the cathedral and what events led to Amethar's breaking his oath of marriage.hey also divulge to Annabelle and Primsy that Amethar was named the successor to the Concordant Emperor.
With in their down time as they voyage to the Dairy Islands Jet, Ruby, and Theobald research the Ramsian Doctrine is a belief concerning how the world ends. It says that the final destruction of The Hungry One by the Bulb and final salvation of all souls cannot occur till The Hungry one devours the world and their are certain souls that are delicious and health and other souls that are junk food (a curse word). It is the presence of these latter souls that is preventing the Hungry One from devouring the world and until those people are removed the final salvation cannot happen. Cumulous tells only the House of Rock members that Candia's are not normally magical, it is a curated magic from the Sugar Plum Fairy. The church knows that their power comes from others not having magic. During this conversation Ruby shocks Theo and Cumulous with the revelation that she sees Lazuli outside of her death vision.
La Fondue arrives to to the Dairy Island and continue sailing to the Cola River and arrive at Port Syrup. at the port are three sunken imperial warships. Annabelle and runs down a banner of House Cheddar with a smaller banner of House Rocks flying underneath. As they arrive at the harbor they see Manta Ray Jack and Sire Morris Brie. Amethar and Manta Ray Jack embrace and Manta Ray tells them of his escape with Sir Morris and how they managed to escape borderline and get word to Candia with the help of Calroy but unfortunately Lord and Lady Swirly were no so fortunate. For now Calroy and the Queen are holding Candia but Jawbreaker is in a tight spot. No Concordnt Emperor has been named and The Pontifex will not hold a Concordian Council till Candia is brought back into the fold. Till then she will be stewarding the Concord.
In the port the group is met with a royal welcome but the church bells that normally would ring do not. A report is given that there is violence in the mountains from with marauders, imperial attacks on House Jawbreaker, and forty imperial soldiers were in a passage with their blood smeared on the frosty mountainside saying "Long live the queen." There is also a notice of a call to musters for all various banner lords and vassals to report to the Castle Candy because a huge army is moving north from Comida cross the Cola River and attack Castle Candy.
Ruby communes with Lazuli via a mirror and conveys to the group that if they go straight mountains it will be worthless but if they go to Castle Candy their is a chance to take the army's and go north before heading back south to face off with the invading armies. Annabelle and Primsy bid farewell to the House of Rock as the sail back to Lacramor to muster the Dairy Islands and ensure the seas are not safe for any ship aiming for Candia. Sir Morris Brie stays to hold down the port while Manta Ray takes the group on the Babybel ship to Castle Candy.
They arrive to Castle Candy at 4 in the morning. Ruby and Jet get tattoos from Manta Ray. The group walk up to Castle Candy and Theobald not so casually announces them to Limon. Limon hops off the wall and meets the group below. Things with Limon get dark but they are saved by the gate suddenly lowering. Queen Carmelinda sweeps the Jet and Ruby into an embrace. She reasures them that she is just happy to have them back safely. Theobald is commanded to take the princesses and prince Liam inside. Calroy runs out while pulling on his war pants. Calroy regards Cumulous with suspicion and the group has to inform them that Lapin sacrificed himself to save them. When the group minus Theobald and Amethar try to steal away the Queen puts her foot down trapping them in caramel and has them all go inside to get freshened up.The group notice Theo send a private message to the queen who only response with "Noted."
Amethar follows Carmelinda to her chambers to confront him. The rest of the group go with Ruby to place the last message of Lapin under the broken tea cup at the stone statues in a makeshift funeral. Liam goes and finds a peppermint heart seed and places it next to the tea cup for Preston while Cumulous sits down to meditate at the statue. Cumulous stays to meditate and the rest returns to the castle. As they return to their rooms for the night Ruby and Jet catch a glimpse their mom holding a pair of tearable underwear and a letter. The two enter the queens study and read the letter from the lingerie store lady who is apparently working as a mole for the queen since the princesses were young. She is keeping it hidden in her shop attic but she doesn't know how long she can keep it safe. The two decide to go to Dulcington to find the hidden thing and they bring along Liam.
They get to the shop and break in and journey up to the attic where they all three find a chest with a gleam of gold. Only Liam sees four shapes move in the dark with water daggers. Liam attacks one with massive damage but does not fall him. Ruby is attacked by one assailant and Jet is attacked by two with water daggers. Ruby barely survives and Jet is downed and poisoned. Ruby, badly injured, casts invisibility and runs away to find Theobald. Liam grabs Jet and rope tricks out of sight. Senator Cibatta takes off his mask and orders the other three to find them.
Hidden in a veil of shadows, Liam tries and fails to stabilize Jet as she is corroded by water. Liam holds her in their veil of shadows. Jet feels her locket glow one last time as she passes away. Liam hears Jet speak from another place, telling Liam to tell Ruby she loved her and that she did the right thing. Jet feels a hand on her back and hears the voice of her aunt saying "Good job soldier, you got her home safe. There's still plenty of work to be done on this side." The two go off into the afterlife leaving Liam alone in the attic holding the princess's body.
Blood & Bread[]
While within the attic of the Dulcington lingerie shop, Liam continued to hide with Jet's recently deceased body from Imperator Augustus Ciabatta and his Ceresian assassins using the extra dimensional space of his Rope Trick spell. After Ciabatta and his men left the lingerie shop, Liam descended from the extra dimensional space with Jet's body. Liam then wrapped Jet's body in some tear-away lingerie, took both Flickerish and Jet's half of the Locket of the Sweetest Heart, and tucked her body away inside a cabinet. Both Liam and King Amethar later returned to the attic of the lingerie shop to take Jet's body back with them on their journey to the Great Stone Candy Mountains.

Development sketch by season artist Samir Barrett: "I fortunately nailed Jet & Ruby on the first pass."
King Amethar[]
Jet's father and king of Candia. She's next in line for the throne, but isn't very interested in assuming it. King Amethar is a lot like his daughters in his disinterest in politics and trouble-making. Unlike their mother, he shows strong support of their antics, and has even taught them a few tricks he used to do pull he was young. He's very, very fond of them, and they love him just as much back.
Princess Ruby Rocks[]
Jet's twin sister. She and Jet are extremely close and very supportive of each other. They get into a lot of trouble together, skipping out on their lessons, sneaking out of the castle, and teasing Sir Theobald Gumbar. Neither of them are interested in inheriting the throne and instead want to live together in a three bedroom apartment in Dulcington while Jet pursues becoming a warrior, and Ruby goes to perform in the circus.
When Jet discovers Calorum's overall views on magic and the danger it poses for Ruby, she begins to focus less on playful antics and more on making sure Ruby is kept safe at all costs. This sometimes irritates Ruby, who has an equal intense need to make sure that Jet is safe at all times, and doesn't want Jet dying for her.
After Jet's passing, Ruby suffers from extreme guilt as she was forced to run away from Liam and Jet in the fight to get help. Even after her death, Ruby is utterly devoted to Jet, defending her against their mother at Jet's funeral, and making it her primary goal to kill anyone involved with the assassination.
Sir Theobald Gumbar[]
Lord Commander of the Tartguard, but seems to spend most of his time chasing after Jet and Ruby’s trail of destruction. In his dedication to the King and the throne, he is extremely diligent in supervising and protecting the princesses. They love to tease him, and he's very exasperated by their antics. Jet liked to assume that she'd be taking Theobald's place now that she's an adult, but after witnessing his prowess in battle, he's earned her utmost respect, and she would be honored to train as an apprentice under him.
After the betrayal at Castle Candia, Theobald finds a black licorice snake as his new familiar, though it bites him frequently, and he names it "Princess" in honor of Jet.
Chancellor Lapin Cadbury[]
Primogen of the Bulbian church and the primary instructor to both princesses. He often takes the brunt of their trickery, as he often gets too caught up in his lectures to notice that the princesses have escaped. After following him out into the peppermint forest with Liam Wilhelmina and witnessing him commune with the Sugar-Plum Fairy, she became suspicious of him and his motives. However, when Lapin took his first turn in combat on the Sucrosi Road to heal Ruby after Jet threatened him, she stuck by her word to keep his secret.
Liam Wilhelmina=[]
Jet is initially inconsiderate towards Liam, as her and Ruby attempt to get Liam in trouble to avoid punishment for escaping their lessons. After the battle on the Sucrosi Road, Jet requests that Liam helps her in protecting Ruby from any more threats. For this favour, Liam asks that Jet gives him a really cool seed. Though Jet still teases Liam from time to time, she becomes very protective of him when she learns how the outside world treats magic users, and continues to work with Liam on keeping Ruby safe.
Liam's respect and love for Jet especially show when Jet dies in his arms in the lingerie shop, and he hides her body in a closet, wrapped in lingerie, so that their enemies cannot find her. Liam later helps Amethar locate her body, and when he is thanked for this, Liam says Jet deserved dignity in death and that the action was second nature for him. At Jet's funeral, Liam is very distraught and sobs, but it is quickly made clear he is crying for Preston. Liam later apologizes to Ruby for this, explaining his difficulty in processing grief, and promises that he will cry for Jet's death at the next funeral. Like Ruby, Liam is also very passionate about making sure the people responsible for Jet's death receive an awful end.
Cumulous Rocks[]
Jet first meets Cumulous during the seaside battle with House Bleu and learns that he is her father's cousin who, per Amethar's knowledge, had been missing for quite some time, but was actually part of the Order of the Spinning Star, a secret monk order created by Jet's aunt, Archmage Lazuli. Jet immediately takes a liking to Cumulous due to his prowess in a fight, his dry humor, and his strange fascination with magical artifacts.
Queen Caramelinda Rocks[]
Jet's relationship with her mother was very strained due to a clash in personalities. As the heir to the throne, Caramelinda wished to educate Jet on politics, history, and manners, but Jet was always more interested in learning how to be a warrior and was more impulsive than Caramelinda liked. Differences were so bad that at one point, Caramelinda tells her husband that she is confused by both him and their daughters and how they conduct themselves. Unlike Amethar, Caramelinda almost always knew when Jet was up to something and tried to respond with strict punishments.
At Jet's hilltop funeral, Caramelinda speaks, stating that she understands how Jet may have felt about all of her strict rules and her insistence on lessons, as she, herself, was much the same way with her own mother when she was a young woman. She continues to say that she only wishes Jet had listened to her about the importance of politics, and that if she had, she may not have been killed. This extremely upsets Ruby, who upon hearing this, leaves the funeral service.
Lord Calroy Cruller[]
As her father's best friend, Jet has known Lord Calroy her entire life. In a flashback sequence in Escape from the Bulb Creeps, Calroy is practicing swordfighting with Jet, and the two discuss what the world expects out of her. Jet argues that the rules of the world don't make sense and that she wants to change them, which Calroy seems to admire and agree with.
While in Candia and traveling along the Sucrosi Road, Jet and Calroy got along as he told war stories with Amethar, and they both showed mutual concerns for Liam and Ruby being discovered as magic users.
Viscount Thaddeus Strongpit[]
Jet first met Thad when they were 8 years old but kept in touch via letters all the way up to her Saint's Day. It's made clear the letters have become romantic and sexual in nature as Jet reads Thad's poetry for her, and she replies by taking off her tearaway underwear and sending it to him. She is especially excited to leave Candia after her father's presence is requested by Emperor Gustavo Uvano, as it gives her a chance to meet Thaddeus in person.
They meet in person in "Keep Sharp," shortly after Jet's arrival to Comida, where she finds her "super sexy" avocado does not meet expectation. Thaddeus is completely blind to Jet's disgust for him, so to get away from him, she tells him to wait in an alley for her before they have sex. Thaddeus tells Jet he will wait forever for her and that he is a virgin, but he will make up for lack of experience with how horny he is. Jet does not go back to see Thad in the alley for several days, and only so that she can use his carriage to escape Comida after the Pontifex branded her and her family enemies of the Bulbian church.
Jet is amused and shows zero concerns when Liam knocks Thad out in the alleyway, and when Ruby disguises herself as Thad, Jet claims to be in love with him and on her way to a shotgun wedding with him as they are now expecting a "little Thad."
Eventually, when Thad is left in the alley, Jet states that the way she treated him is her biggest regret.
Commander Constano Grissini[]
Jet first meets Commander Constano when the Imperial army aids her family during an ambush on the Sucrosi road. There is a definite attraction between the two that stems from their admiration of each other on the battle field. Jet continues to flirt with the Commander when they reach Comida, though Ruby reminds Jet that she still has an avocado admirer waiting for her.
Jet battles Commander Constano during the melee competition at the Grand Tournament. After a particularly heavy attack on him, Jet seems a little apologetic, but Constano only seems more attracted to her.
Captain Annabelle Cheddar[]
Upon first sight at the feast before the Grand Tournament, Jet finds a hero in Captain Annabelle Cheddar, greatly admiring the sense of freedom she carries about her and finding out that she gave up her own title as Duchess of Lacramor so that she would not be forced to marrry. When Jet announces at the Grand Tournament that she wishes to follow in Annabelle's footsteps and refuses to marry, she unintentionally angers and embarrasses Annabelle. However, Jet later apologizes and explains she was proud of Annabelle's decision and thinks it was really cool, and Annabelle forgives her, telling Jet she'd thought it'd been pretty cool too, at the time.
Overall, Jet is always eager to impress Annabelle and to keep her safe. Though Annabelle is sometimes irritated or offended by Jet's lack of tact and her impulsiveness, the two share a mutual respect for one another and bond over their desires for freedom and a good fight, as well as their protective natures towards their younger family members.
Duchess Primsy Coldbottle[]
Jet first meets Primsy after they arrive in Comida at the feast. The two are almost polar opposites, as Primsy is more quiet, proper, and well-mannered, but Primsy is overjoyed and excited to meet Jet and Ruby, as they are the two girls closest in age to her at the event, and she is immediately starstruck by how cool they are. Jet finds Primsy to be very sweet and kind after she is given a milk silk embroidery, and though Jet does not trust the Dairy Islands, she doesn't ever speak ill of Primsy and is quick to improvise a gift to return Primsy's kindness.
Aboard the Colby, after Primsy marries Lord Stilton, Jet becomes very protective of her and works on building Primsy's self-esteem and confidence as a strong woman who doesn't take orders and doesn't need no man. She admonishes Theobald for scaring Primsy while they were hiding and later when he tells Primsy about their suspicions of Lord Stilton on the same day of their wedding. Jet also secretly follows Primsy up to the Crow's Nest where she witnesses Stilton's assassination attempt, kills him, and spends much of the rest of the battle attempting to provide medical aid for the dying duchess.
- As a part of House Rocks, her name is a reference to the gemstone, jet, which is a type of lignite. It is also a reference to her being black licorice ("jet black"), the counterpart to Ruby's red licorice.
- All her underwear is edible and tear-away, purchased from a very tasteful lingerie shop in Dulcington, Lazi's Fierce Lingerie.
- Her mini was sold as part of the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy Auction for $4,500