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Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 11 of A Crown of Candy, proceed at your own risk.

"Family is exposed, family is vulnerable. If you don't want to be exposed, if you don't want to be vulnerable, be on your own. But part of the truth is that- is trusting the other people and being good to them and hoping and helping them change. I already lost one sister, I can't lose another." ― Ruby to her mother, Queen Caramelinda

Princess Ruby Rocks is a princess of Candia and the daughter of King Amethar and Queen Caramelinda. She is Princess Jet Rocks's twin, younger by two minutes. She is played by Siobhan Thompson.

Quick Answers

Who are the parents of Princess Ruby Rocks? toggle section
Princess Ruby Rocks, a princess of Candia, is the offspring of King Amethar and Queen Caramelinda. She shares a close bond with her twin, Princess Jet Rocks, who is older by two minutes. The pair are known for their mischief and lack of interest in ruling the kingdom.
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What is the relationship between Princess Ruby Rocks and Princess Jet Rocks? toggle section
Princess Ruby Rocks and Princess Jet Rocks, twin sisters from Candia, share a strong bond. They are known for their mischief, including skipping lessons and sneaking out of the castle. Both have declined the throne, preferring a life in Dulcington where Jet aspires to be a warrior and Ruby, a performer. Their relationship is characterized by mutual support.
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How does Princess Ruby Rocks's philosophy about family influence her actions? toggle section
Princess Ruby Rocks values loyalty and protectiveness in her family relationships, particularly with her twin, Jet. Her actions reflect this, as she and Jet often engage in mischief together, including skipping lessons and sneaking out of the castle. Ruby's wariness of outsiders, like her half-sister Saccharina, also influences her actions, leading to her rejection of Saccharina's attempts at connection.
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How does Princess Ruby Rocks's role in the kingdom of Candia reflect her character? toggle section
Princess Ruby Rocks, a princess of Candia, is defined by her family ties and kingdom role. She's the twin of Princess Jet Rocks and shares a strong bond with her father, King Amethar, both showing little interest in politics. Her relationship with her mother, Queen Caramelinda, is more strained. Ruby's relationship with her half-sister, Saccharina, is complex, filled with jealousy and suspicion. Ruby's character is reflected in her kingdom role, seeing herself fit for the battlefield.
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"I’m Ruby Rocks, I’m a circus apprentice, that’s like my big thing right now. Like, the royal stuff is like, really secondary to me, it’s just like, I was born into it, it’s not really very interesting to me, but circus is my passion, and this one is gonna stick. Yes, I’ve had other crazes before, but this is the real thing. I’m occasionally doing backflips as we’re running away." Siobhan Thompson

Ruby is a practitioner of magical tricks and very close to her twin sister, Jet. They both yearn to be seen as “princesses of the people”, and Ruby hopes to even shed the “princess” part of that title in her aspiration to become a circus performer. The twins are incredibly supportive of each other in both their wild ambitions and clever deceptions, which makes the two of them enormous thorns in the side of their advisors.

She wields Sour Scratch, the Puckering Bow, as a weapon, previously owned by her aunt, Archmage Lazuli, and gifted to her by her father on her 18th Saints Day. Along with her sister, Jet, she carries one half of the Locket of the Sweetest Heart.


There is Strength in Sweetness[]

Jet and Ruby escape the castle to avoid their lessons with Chancelor Lapin Cadbury. They had stuffed scarecrows with sugar grass, and slipped out while he was talking in his lecture. They travel to Dulcington, where they receive a secret deliver from Cirinda, and Imperial courier. She gives Ruby a flyer for the Traveling Swirler Sisters, a circus act that's due to arrive in town soon.

Jet and Ruby are caught by Theobald, Lapin, and Sir Toby. They try to butter up Theobald in order to glean more information about the envoy leaving for Comida, but he does not fall for their tricks. When Sir Toby suggests bringing them before Queen Caramelinda, they stall to avoid their mother and impending punishment. Theobald carries Jet back to the castle, and Ruby is forced to return with them.

When they are brought to their father, they brag about their trick to escape Lapin, and Ruby "objects" to all of Jet's suggestions for possible "penance," such as being sent on a diplomatic mission to Comida.

Queen Caramelinda arrives, and Ruby casts Prestidigitation to clean Jet and herself up and hide how dirty they became when they ran away. Caramelinda notices, and asks why she would need to cast Presto Digitation if they had only been in their lessons. Caramelinda scolds her daughters for their childishness and petulance, remarking that it would be nice to see two women grown but she had yet to see them act maturely. The Queen leaves, and tells Amethar to give Jet and Ruby a lesson on the Ravening War.

Amethar takes Jet and Ruby to the training field and archery range and gives them each a gift of a weapon. To Ruby, Amethar notes that he sees her doing a lot of magic and it reminds him of his sister Archmage Lazuli, so he gives Ruby her shortbow Sour Scratch.

At their Saint's Day Feast, Ruby and Jet speak with Licorina Loghead. When Jet notices Lapin sneaking away from the party, Ruby distracts Licorina so that Jet can follow Lapin. When Jet returns and reveals that she saw Lapin speaking with the Sugar-Plum Fairy, Ruby reveals that she has heard of the Sugar-Plum Fairy, and that she is a powerful spirit of The Sweetening Path.

Amethar decides to bring Jet and Ruby with him to Comida for the Grand Tournament. The envoy sets out the next day, traveling in carriages. Ruby stands on top of their carriage as it travels. The envoy is attacked on the Sucrosi Road, and Ruby is shot by arrows and collapses.

Ambush on the Sucrosi Road[]

Keep Sharp[]

The Grand Tournament[]

Lapin's Big Day[]

Chaos in the Cathedral[]

Escape from the Bulb Creeps[]

Deep Bleu Sea[]

As the Colby is attacked and boarded by House Bleu marauders, Captain Annabelle is the only one keeping the ship from sinking before her crew can escape. Ruby sends Yak to aid her sister in the crows nest as she joins her father and Liam on the nearby marauder ship.

Without Annabelle steering, the Colby sinks further into the sea causing waves to rock the smaller boats throwing Theobald, Jet, and Annabelle overboard. Amethar see the trouble his family is in and jumps back onto the Colby and gets the last crew member to swing the ship towards the smaller boats.

The ship sinks further downwards but it is not able to drag Amethar under the waves. However the waves knock Ruby overboard from the marauder ship. To far away to swim to her, Amethar joins the attack on the rowboat. He starts throwing men overboard into the mast of the other ship giving Ruby a chance to stay a float. Ruby calls Yak back to her as she flips back on board where she attempts to throw a rope to Annabelle but it sails past.

Liam takes out the remaining marauders on board with them and he then steers the ship partially over the sunken Colby. In the distance they see the farthest House Bleu marauder ship sail away without a captain. Annabelle is finally able to make it to safety aboard their ship and takes the wheel. The last Cheddar crewmate on the Colby along with their fallen friend also make it aboard. In the distance they see the farthest House Bleu marauder ship sail away without a captain.

On the rowboat, Theobald, Jet, Amethar, and Cumulous are left with two marauders who promptly kneel and surrender. Cumulous kills one maraudars and Jet kills the other. Primsy is brought onto the rowboat with the group and then they all board the House Bleu marauder ship.

Safe Harbor[]

La Fondue sails in through a storm heading towards open sea. With most of the Cheddar sailors down the Rock family have to help sail the ship with Captain Annabelle who has lashed herself to the helm. As the storm passes the group are able to go below deck to rest. Having fought that morning in the cathedral and then on the Colby most of the group passes out due to exhaustion. Cumulous and Theobald stay up conversing about the monks and bonding over their mutual connection to Lazuli.

They awaken the next morning to the storm gone and the Cheddar crew gathered on deck for the funeral at sea for their fallen comrade with Annabelle presiding over. Afterwards Primsy emerges from below decks and invites the Royal House of Rocks to a parley in the captains quarters. There they tell Annabelle and Primsy the events that happened in the cathedral and what events led to Amethar's breaking his oath of marriage.hey also divulge to Annabelle and Primsy that Amethar was named the successor to the Concordant Emperor.

With in their down time as they voyage to the Dairy Islands Jet, Ruby, and Theobald research the Ramsian Doctrine is a belief concerning how the world ends. It says that the final destruction of The Hungry One by the Bulb and final salvation of all souls cannot occur till The Hungry one devours the world and their are certain souls that are delicious and health and other souls that are junk food (a curse word). It is the presence of these latter souls that is preventing the Hungry One from devouring the world and until those people are removed the final salvation cannot happen. Cumulous tells only the House of Rock members that Candia's are not normally magical, it is a curated magic from the Sugar Plum Fairy. The church knows that their power comes from others not having magic. During this conversation Ruby shocks Theo and Cumulous with the revelation that she sees Lazuli outside of her death vision.

La Fondue arrives to to the Dairy Island and continue sailing to the Cola River and arrive at Port Syrup. at the port are three sunken imperial warships. Annabelle and runs down a banner of House Cheddar with a smaller banner of House Rocks flying underneath. As they arrive at the harbor they see Manta Ray Jack and Sire Morris Brie. Amethar and Manta Ray Jack embrace and Manta Ray tells them of his escape with Sir Morris and how they managed to escape borderline and get word to Candia with the help of Calroy but unfortunately Lord and Lady Swirly were no so fortunate. For now Calroy and the Queen are holding Candia but Jawbreaker is in a tight spot. No Concordnt Emperor has been named and The Pontifex will not hold a Concordian Council till Candia is brought back into the fold. Till then she will be stewarding the Concord.

In the port the group is met with a royal welcome but the church bells that normally would ring do not. A report is given that there is violence in the mountains from with marauders, imperial attacks on House Jawbreaker, and forty imperial soldiers were in a passage with their blood smeared on the frosty mountainside saying "Long live the queen." There is also a notice of a call to musters for all various banner lords and vassals to report to the Castle Candy because a huge army is moving north from Comida cross the Cola River and attack Castle Candy.

Ruby attempts to commune with Lazuli via a mirror and gets a non verbal message of the future . The road going to the Great Stone Mountains has a tremendous amount of battle, to bring any meaningful troops to Castle Many Licks they would have to empty the port and the siege would be worthless. She sees from Castle candy the army advancing from the south has a lot of confusion regarding who is in charge which leaves a potential for the army mustering the castle to have time to go north before going south. With this vision the group decide to return to Castle Candy. Annabelle and Primsy bid farewell to the House of Rock as the sail back to Lacramor to muster the Dairy Islands and ensure the seas are not safe for any ship aiming for Candia. Sir Morris Brie stays to hold down the port while Manta Ray takes the group on the Babybel ship to Castle Candy.

They arrive to Castle Candy at 4 in the morning. Ruby and Jet get tattoos from Manta Ray. The group walk up to Castle Candy and Theobald not so casually announces them to Limon. Limon hops off the wall and meets the group below. Things with Limon get dark but they are saved by the gate suddenly lowering. Queen Carmelinda sweeps the Jet and Ruby into an embrace. She reasures them that she is just happy to have them back safely. Theobald is commanded to take the princesses and prince Liam inside. Calroy runs out while pulling on his war pants. Calroy regards Cumulous with suspicion and the group has to inform them that Lapin sacrificed himself to save them. When the group minus Theobald and Amethar try to steal away the Queen puts her foot down trapping them in caramel and has them all go inside to get freshened up.The group notice Theo send a private message to the queen who only response with "Noted."

Amethar follows Carmelinda to her chambers to confront him. The rest of the group go with Ruby to place the last message of Lapin under the broken tea cup at the stone statues in a makeshift funeral. Liam goes and finds a peppermint heart seed and places it next to the tea cup for Preston while Cumulous sits down to meditate at the statue. Cumulous stays to meditate and the rest returns to the castle. As they return to their rooms for the night Ruby and Jet catch a glimpse their mom holding a pair of tearable underwear and a letter. The two enter the queens study and read the letter from the lingerie store lady who is apparently working as a mole for the queen since the princesses were young. She is keeping it hidden in her shop attic but she doesn't know how long she can keep it safe. The two decide to go to Dulcington to find the hidden thing and they bring along Liam.

They get to the shop and break in and journey up to the attic where they all three find a chest with a gleam of gold. Only Liam sees four shapes move in the dark with water daggers. Liam attacks one with massive damage but does not fall him. Ruby is attacked by one assailant and Jet is attacked by two with water daggers. Ruby barely survives and Jet is downed and poisoned. Ruby badly injured casts invisibility and runs away to find Theobald. She clings to her locket while running but just as she passes the bridge the locket goes out and Jet is dead.

Blood & Bread[]

At the Mountains of Sweetness[]

Rescue at Buzzybrook[]

Family Ties[]

Encounter in the Ice Cream Temple[]

The Two Balls[]

For Candia! (Part 1)[]

For Candia! (Part 2)[]


King Amethar of House Rocks[]

Ruby’s father and king of Candia. King Amethar is a lot like his daughters in his disinterest in politics and trouble-making. Unlike their mother, he shows support of their antics, and has even thought them a few things he used to do when he was young. He's very, very fond of them.

Queen Caramelinda of House Rocks[]

Ruby is Queen Caramelinda's second daughter. Initially, Ruby and Caramelinda had an antagonistic relationship as might be typical between a strict parent and a rebellious teenager. However, Caramelinda's criticisms of the twins were frequently directed at Jet in particular as the heir-apparent, or the twins as a duo, rather than Ruby in particular.

Following the death of Jet, Ruby and Caramelinda grow closer. Ruby experiences one-on-one time with her mother, and seeks her out for guidance. When the identity of Saccharina Frostwhip is discovered, Ruby expresses anger and resentment that Caramelinda is allowing everything around them to happen. Caramelinda reveals that she cannot remember when she last felt she had a handle on her own life, as she could not control Ruby, Jet, or Amethar nor stop them from making dangerous decisions.

Ruby was not aware that her mother was capable of magic prior to the events of At the Mountains of Sweetness, implying that Ruby rarely spoke to her mother of her past marriage to Lazuli or her mother's skills beyond running the kingdom. Likewise, Caramelinda explains to Ruby that she was planning on teaching them magic after they had matured, but was afraid of giving them more tools they could use to run away.

Princess Jet Rocks[]

Ruby’s older twin sister. They get into a lot of trouble together, skipping out on their lessons, sneaking out of the castle, and teasing Sir Theobald Gumbar. Neither of them are interested in inheriting the throne and instead want to live together in a three bedroom apartment in Dulcington.


Development sketch by season artist Samir Barrett: "I fortunately nailed Jet & Ruby on the first pass."

Sir Theobald Gumbar[]

Lord Commander of the Tartguard, but seems to spend most of his time chasing after Jet and Ruby’s trail of destruction. In his dedication to the King and the throne, he is extremely diligent in supervising and protecting the princesses. They love to tease him, and he's very exasperated by their antics.

Chancellor Lapin Cadbury[]

The primary instructor to both princesses who takes the brunt of their trickery. He often gets too caught up in his (boring) lectures to notice that the princesses have escaped.

Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip[]

Saccharina, the true heir to the throne, and Ruby's half - sister, have a very antagonistic relationship. Ruby has taken out the brunt of her grief on Saccharina after Jet's death, which makes their relationship very rocky. At the end of the Encounter in the Ice Cream Temple, Saccharina's people join in the antagonism, and Queen Saccharina chooses for Ruby to treat her as her queen instead of her sister. However, after the successful siege to retake Castle Candy, the two of them share a moment of understanding, and Ruby decides to trust and accept Saccharina.


  • As a part of House Rocks, her name is a reference to the gemstone, ruby. It is also a reference to her being red licorice ("ruby red"), the counterpart to Jet's black licorice.
  • Her mini was sold as part of the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy Auction for $3,535.
A Crown of Candy Characters
Player Characters King Amethar of House Rocks | Princess Jet Rocks | Princess Ruby Rocks | Sir Theobald Gumbar | Chancellor Lapin Cadbury | Liam Wilhelmina of House Jawbreaker | Cumulous Rocks | Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip
Animal Companions Peppermint Preston | Sprinkle | Yak | Princess | Cinnamon
NPCs Candia
House Rocks Queen Caramelinda | General Rococoa | Saint Citrina | Archmage Lazuli | Princess Sapphria | King Jadain | Queen Pamelia
Duke Joren Jawbreaker | Grash | Spearia Mentha
Order of the
Spinning Star
Swifty | Gooey | Jon Bon
Other Lord Calroy Cruller | The Tartguard | Limon Longhalls | Sir Toby | Herald Poncival Pishpuff | Sir Amanda Maillard | Cirinda | Whoppins | Paz | Lady Whipperly | Lord Finnegan Swirlie | Lady Swirlie | Licorina Loghead | Bitternight Darknibs | Cranberry Tallcake | Master Dippins | Lady Donetta Cruller | Limey | Johan Battenburg
House Uvano Emperor Gustavo Uvano | Lady Plumbeline Uvano | Lord Consort Rufus Applebottom
Other Viscount Thaddeus Strongpit | Lord Chiquito Citron
Ceresia Banner
Ceresian Senate Senator Augustus Ciabatta | Senator Semolina
Other Commander Constano Grissini | Imperator Focaccia | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Lady Linguina Freccia | Ceresian Gladiator
The Dairy
House Cheddar Duchess Primsy Coldbottle | Captain Annabelle Cheddar | Prince Tarthur Cheddar
House Bleu Lord Stilton Curdeau | Cheese Marauders
Other Manta Ray Jack | Sir Morris Brie | Father Belford Buttercream | Catherine Ghee
Vegetania Banner
House Cabbage King Belvedere Cabbage | Prince Nezemiah Cabbage | Princess Maisy Cabbage
The Bulbian
Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica | Archbishop Oliver Onionpatch | Sir Keradin Deeproot | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Archbishop Raddica Rutabagans | Saint Turnipat | Saint Arugula | Bartholomew Broccolpatch
Other Sir Bonathan Flashfry
The Meat Lands
Meat Lands Banner
Basha Myaso | Scravoya Myaso | Jawbone
Deities The Bulb | The Hungry One | The Sugar-Plum Fairy | The Great Beasts