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History; Relationships

Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 17 of A Crown of Candy, proceed at your own risk.

"Forgiven." ― Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip

Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip, or Saccharina Ghee, is the sovereign ruler of Candia and the daughter of King Amethar of House Rocks and Catherine Ghee. She is played by Emily Axford.

She is hinted to in Episode 3: Keep Sharp, when Manta Ray Jack alludes to King Amethar of House Rocks having left something behind in the Dairy Isles. She is also alluded to in Episode 9: Safe Harbor and first appears as a PC in Episode 11: At the Mountains of Sweetness.

Quick Answers

Who are the parents of Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip? toggle section
Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip, the sovereign ruler of Candia, is the offspring of King Amethar of House Rocks and Catherine Ghee.
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When does Queen Saccharina first appear in the series? toggle section
Saccharina Ghee, the sovereign ruler of Candia, also known as Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip, is initially referenced in Episode 9: Safe Harbor. Her first appearance as a character in the series occurs in Episode 11: At the Mountains of Sweetness.
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What is the relationship between Catherine Ghee and Queen Saccharina? toggle section
Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip is the daughter of Catherine Ghee. Raised on the Dairy Islands, their relationship was strained due to Catherine's paranoia about danger from Candia. Catherine believed that King Amethar Rocks' messengers were threats, leading her to abandon Saccharina at the Abbey of the Shimmering Cream in her youth.
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What is the role of Queen Saccharina in the kingdom of Candia? toggle section
As the sovereign ruler of Candia, Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip, also known as Saccharina Ghee, is expected to bring improvements to the kingdom. She is recognized by the Dairy Islands, maintaining a strong alliance. Saccharina, the daughter of King Amethar of House Rocks and Catherine Ghee, demonstrates diplomatic skills and possesses the ability to cast a protective ice dome.
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"Okay, so I'm basically like a warrior ice cream sundae. I have sort of like a caramel cape going down my back. I've got sort of cherry epaulets, very military, but also sweet. And then I've got a Mohawk that's dyed to be the colors of Neapolitan ice cream. And at my side I have Winterscoop the Spooning Staff, and then I've also got two swords." ― Emily Axford


Saccharina is friendly, firm, and confident. Though genuinely polite and caring, her personality was forged in struggle and her confidence reinforced by battles.


Saccharina is an ice cream sundae. She wears her hair in a mohawk, dyed brown, white, and pink to resemble Neopolitan ice cream. She wears a caramel cape and plate armor with cherry-topped epaulets. She wields Winterscoop, the Spooning Staff, as well as a long sword, short sword bound set, which includes Freezerburn. According to Emily she has a bra size of 36C.


Around Y.o.B. 1191, amid the Ravening War, Saccharina was born to the later King of Candia, Amethar Rocks, and a Dairy Islands milkmaid, Catherine Ghee. Saccharina was initially raised by her mother in the Dairy Islands, but ever since Amethar returned to Candia to take his place as king, they lived in fear of the potential consequences of their marriage. Amethar would send messengers in search of Catherine, desperate to be reunited, but Catherine's paranoia drove her to believe they were out to kill her and her daughter.

Content Warning: child abuse and neglect (as seen in Episode 15: The Two Balls)
Not long after the war, Catherine decided to leave Saccharina in the care of the nuns at the Abbey of the Shimmering Cream, a Bulbian abbey, for her own protection. However, it was far from the loving, nurturing environment Catherine probably assumed it'd be. Saccharina had powerful magic which caused the other children there to bully her, and when it caused trouble, punishment by the nuns. They believed that she was possessed by the Hungry One, and would abuse, neglect, and starve her in retaliation. Saccharina's one spark of hope were her visions of Archmage Lazuli, who began to coach her through harnessing the power of the arcane.

On the 15th of Frostdawn, Y.o.B. 1195, when Saccharina was five years old, she was sent to the office of Mother Superior Edam. After learning of her visions and communications with Archmage Lazuli, Mother Superior Edam punished her; she chastised and lashed Saccharina, then branded her with a red-hot iron in the shape of the symbol of the Bulbian Church. The punishment was so severe that it permanently severed her connection to Archmage Lazuli.

Sometime later, Saccharina's anger against the nuns and the abbey, and at her mother for seemingly abandoning her, reached a boiling point. She lost control of her storm powers and sunk the abbey into the Dairy Sea.

As Saccharina grew up, she traveled extensively, sailing the Dairy Sea and amassing a loyal following of similarly mistreated marauders while exacting revenge on Bulbian monasteries along the way. Saccharina later settled herself and her crew in the Great Stone Candy Mountains, which they use as a base of operations against the Sugar-Plum Fairy, who has stolen and locked away many powerful arcane artifacts, and later, the invading Ceresian armies. She is supported by her army of marauders, and her second-in-command Gooey.


At the Mountains of Sweetness[]

Saccharina's marauders sweep up the Royal Family as they travel through the Great Stone Candy Mountains toward Castle Manylicks. She introduces herself to the family and their company, explaining who she is, her legitimate claim to the throne of Candia, and invites them to rest and feast as they process the news. She explains she doesn't particularly expect or need them to like her, but that they could be useful to each other. She points out that there's no reason that she isn't the rightful heir, and since that is the case then the Concord has no right or reason to invade Candia unless the Bulbian Church wants to 'show their true colors'. Cumulous, Theobald, and Amethar are in agreeance that they can help each other and that her points all make sense, Caramellinda is relatively numb to the news, and Ruby is furious.

Rescue at Buzzybrook[]

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Family Ties[]

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Encounter in the Ice Cream Temple[]

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The Two Balls[]

As Saccharina descends the mountain flanked by her loyal followers and the rest of the Candians behind her she remembers another snowy night from her past. In the Dairy Sea at the Abbey of the Shimmering Cream a five year old Saccharina looks out to sea for her mom. In the abbey are other lost children as a has broken out but all of them are kept away from Saccharina. She is brought to Mother Superior, as she walks a dark indigo blue Candian woman smiles at her from a mirror in the hall and comforts her but the woman disappears as Saccharina walks into Mother Superior's office.

Content Warning: child abuse and neglect
Mother superior straps her to a chair and beats her with a switch she is interrogated about her ability to see the woman in the mirror. Using a holy symbol of the bulb Mother Superior burns it into Saccharina's chest. In the blinding pain, Saccharina leaves her body and sees the woman reaching out begging her to hold her hand but she is not able to before their connect is severed and Saccharina returns to her body. The Mother Superior vowing to burn the Hungry One out of her as many times as it will take.

Afterwards, Saccharina emerges traumatized but not broken. She is sent to bed without food just before being taunted about her belief that she is Prince Amethar's daughter.

For Candia! (Part 1)[]

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For Candia! (Part 2)[]

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The Taste Buds[]

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Catherine Ghee[]

Saccharina's mother. When Saccharina first meets the party, she implies that Catherine and Saccharina had a poor relationship. When Manta Ray says she is a lovely woman, Saccharina remarks that they have "very different experiences of her". Paranoid that messengers from Candia were looking for her and her daughter to kill them, Catherine left Saccharina behind at the Abbey of the Shimmering Cream when she as very young. In reality, King Amethar, Saccharina's father, had been searching desperately for Catherine since the end of the Ravening War. Saccharina would wait for Catherine to return for her at the abbey, but she never would, as she died shortly after from illness. Saccharina resents her for abandoning her to the mercy of the nuns' abuse at the abbey, as she'd never had a real family because of it.


Development sketch by season artist Samir Barrett: "Initially I think I just made her Storm from the X-Men"

King Amethar of House Rocks[]

Saccharina's father. Amethar was shocked to learn of Saccharina's existence when they first met in the Great Stone Candy Mountains. Amethar didn't believe that Saccharina was his daughter at first until he noticed that Saccharina's eyes were similar to Catherine Ghee's.

Saccharina is shown to be jealous of the father-daughter relationship between Amethar and Ruby. After witnessing from afar both Amethar and Ruby hugging each other during a heart-to-heart conversation, Saccharina bitterly commented "Must be nice" to herself as a cold wind blew around her.


Development sketch by season artist Samir Barrett: "Saccharina I got her power there but needed to express more of her personality & grace so that's what the end result became."

Princess Ruby Rocks[]

Saccharina's half-sister. Upon meeting, the relationship between Princess Ruby Rocks and Saccharina is difficult. Saccharina has made attempts to reach out to Ruby when they first met but was coldly shot down by Ruby whenever she does. Ruby sees Saccharina as someone who was trying to take Jet's place in the family immediately after Jet's death. Ruby feels as if Saccharina is sucking up to many members of their party, especially Liam Wilhelmina. In addition, Ruby is jealous since she believed she was the only member of their family to have a relationship with the Archmage Lazuli Rocks after death. The two were able to come to an understanding following the Siege of Castle Candy and gradually grew closer, leading to Ruby choosing to stay in Candia to advise Saccharina rather than following the newly crowned Emperor Amethar to Comida.

Queen Caramelinda[]

Caramelinda shares camaraderie with Sacharrina in that they have both lived a life they did not ask for.

Learning of Sacharrina's existence and claim to the throne strains Caramelinda's relationship with Amethar further than it had been prior to the coup. Caramelinda retreats to limiting her interactions with others to her daughter Ruby, and insists on privacy.

However, Caramelinda recognizes and acknowledges that there is a reality in which Sacharrina's claim to the throne of Candia may result in improvements for Candia, which is a bittersweet realization.

Sacharrina attempts to converse with Caramelinda when opportunities present themselves, such as sharing that she had a commemorative mug from the marriage of Caramelinda and Lazuli while Sacharrina was a child at the nunnery. Sacharrina also asks for consent before casting a spell on Caramelinda, and casts an ice dome which acts as a personal protective fortress around Caramelinda so she might hold onto the spell, a bonfire within the dome to keep Caramelinda warm, and a minor illusion of a sweater.

When Caramelinda and Ruby argue, Sacharrina will give a "knowing look" to Caramelinda in consolation.


Cinnamon is a Hot Tamale dragon that Sacharrina freed from the Sugar Plum Fairy. His need to consume to grow and his frequent use of puppy eyes (which she struggles to resist) to get permission to consume is something Sacharrina has some concern about, and after an incident where Cinnamon is allowed to destroy wantonly Cinnamon is no longer allowed on battle missions. Sacharrina loves him deeply though.


  • Her name is likely a reference to the word 'saccharine', meaning 'sugary'.
  • During character creation, Emily Axford's original vision for her was a "Dairy Queen Blizzard" who drowned the nunnery she grew up in in the ocean with her power. She would be a caster with high Charisma, but who attracts magic instead of people.
  • Her mini was sold as part of the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy Auction for $4,260
A Crown of Candy Characters
Player Characters King Amethar of House Rocks | Princess Jet Rocks | Princess Ruby Rocks | Sir Theobald Gumbar | Chancellor Lapin Cadbury | Liam Wilhelmina of House Jawbreaker | Cumulous Rocks | Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip
Animal Companions Peppermint Preston | Sprinkle | Yak | Princess | Cinnamon
NPCs Candia
House Rocks Queen Caramelinda | General Rococoa | Saint Citrina | Archmage Lazuli | Princess Sapphria | King Jadain | Queen Pamelia
Duke Joren Jawbreaker | Grash | Spearia Mentha
Order of the
Spinning Star
Swifty | Gooey | Jon Bon
Other Lord Calroy Cruller | The Tartguard | Limon Longhalls | Sir Toby | Herald Poncival Pishpuff | Sir Amanda Maillard | Cirinda | Whoppins | Paz | Lady Whipperly | Lord Finnegan Swirlie | Lady Swirlie | Licorina Loghead | Bitternight Darknibs | Cranberry Tallcake | Master Dippins | Lady Donetta Cruller | Limey | Johan Battenburg
House Uvano Emperor Gustavo Uvano | Lady Plumbeline Uvano | Lord Consort Rufus Applebottom
Other Viscount Thaddeus Strongpit | Lord Chiquito Citron
Ceresia Banner
Ceresian Senate Senator Augustus Ciabatta | Senator Semolina
Other Commander Constano Grissini | Imperator Focaccia | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Lady Linguina Freccia | Ceresian Gladiator
The Dairy
House Cheddar Duchess Primsy Coldbottle | Captain Annabelle Cheddar | Prince Tarthur Cheddar
House Bleu Lord Stilton Curdeau | Cheese Marauders
Other Manta Ray Jack | Sir Morris Brie | Father Belford Buttercream | Catherine Ghee
Vegetania Banner
House Cabbage King Belvedere Cabbage | Prince Nezemiah Cabbage | Princess Maisy Cabbage
The Bulbian
Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica | Archbishop Oliver Onionpatch | Sir Keradin Deeproot | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Archbishop Raddica Rutabagans | Saint Turnipat | Saint Arugula | Bartholomew Broccolpatch
Other Sir Bonathan Flashfry
The Meat Lands
Meat Lands Banner
Basha Myaso | Scravoya Myaso | Jawbone
Deities The Bulb | The Hungry One | The Sugar-Plum Fairy | The Great Beasts