Raclette Camembert is a magical student in Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts. She is a member of Aqrabus House.
Aqrabus House is known as the house for magic villainy. So when Raclette was sorted into Aqurabus, it took her a long time to used to the idea that she was in the "evil" house. However, she absolutely loves and is very enthusiastic about being on the new dance team.
Raclette is a third-year student at Gowpenny, and a member of the magi aerobic dance team. She has only seen one movie, Mortal Kombat. While she is confused as to why it plays in the house common room every night, she does love it.
When Raclette is first seen, she is practicing magi aerobic dance with her captain, Premium Va-Casians. She tries to keep up, but it unable to match the rhythm of her captain. The music is ultimately turned on, the Mortal Kombat movie theme, in order to help her feel the music in her body. (It had previously been turned off.) After a very good and supportive dance session, Raclette asks if they can perform at the upcoming Scuppers match the next day. Premium replies she already has a routine planned, to which Raclette replies, "Interesting." She isn't taught the routine, being told that she is so good at just copying Premium's move, she doesn't need to be taught it. When Raclette mentions she's going to go back to the tower because she's sweaty, Premium tries to convince her to bottle her sweat and sell it as a side venture. While she says she will, Raclette doesn't sound too convinced.
Premium Va-Casians[]
Premium is the captain of the magi aerobic dance team of which Raclette is the only other member. She feels Premium is objectively older and cooler than her. However, back at the tower, Premium refuses to allow her to make eye contact, saying it's better than they keep their friendship "on the down low," a statement that makes Raclette very excited. When she is first introduced, the two are practicing together, Premium trying to get her to feel music in her body. As the two dance enthusiastically to the Mortal Kombat movie theme, Premium is very supportive, saying that Raclette is making their house and her family proud. Premium is able to relate to her since both had issues with being sorted into Aqrabus House, saying that "evil" is just a word, and what people do is what is actually evil (and the "hero" house acts evil plenty). Raclette asks if they can perform at the upcoming Scuppers game, to which Premium reveals that she has something planned. She figures, since Raclette is so good at following her moves, she doesn't need to teach her the routine. When Raclette mentions she's going to go back to the tower because she's sweaty, Premium tries to convince her to bottle her sweat and sell it as a side venture. Initially unconvinced, she says she might come around to the idea.
Later, during the distraction that ulitmately takes the place of the Rivalry Week Scupper's game with Hercinil, Raclette does perform the routine that she and Premium had intended. However, she's not happy about it, crying through the routine like a "stripper on her first night." Their dance somehow manages to look like the cheerleading routine from the film Bring it On, despite neither having actually seen it.
- As mentioned by GM Aabria Iyengar, raclette and camembert are both names of cheeses.
Misfits and Magic Characters | ||||
Player Characters | Main Season | Dream | Evan Kelmp | Sam Black | Whitney Jammer | ||
Live Show | Dangerwolf Darkhawk | Chip n Rip Andre Henreek | Premium Va-Casians | |||
Non-Player Characters |
PC Families and Familiars | BooBoo | Dangerwolf's Parents | Evan's Shadow | Janet and Maurice Tanaka | Mordecai | Ravageur | Ron | Sam's Mother | Spalding | Terminator 2 | Theodore | Troxie Darling | ||
Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts |
Faculty | Headmistress Boudicca Philtrum | Nurse David Stitchnit | The Frunthwinkle | Dr. Norman Boodle | Sausage | Professor Viniscus | ||
Hercinil | Digsby Cooper | Fergus Ponst | Khanh Nguyen | Tallulah Jillymont | |||
Aqrabus | Penfrew Lairmsbury | Raclette Camembert | |||
Messanteu | Sylvie Ecclentripe | |||
Chimeron | Anamika | Coggle and Hoggle Undergus | Frink | Jesse | Lemli Irving | Peter | |||
Other | Confirmation Dais | Freya | Golden Snitch Kid | Jammer's Coach | Juice Freshman | Roger | Vertiq Alley Shopkeepers |