Rat World is a world inhabited by rats beneath the Aguefort Adventuring Academy.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Rat World |
Fantasy High: Junior Year
Rat World exists underneath the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. It has rat stores, which include rat mannequins. There is a rat mall, and money is rat dollars.
Vulture Clash[]
In the Far Haven Woods, Fabian uses speak with animals to speak with a rat whom Lucy Frostblade had nicknamed Spot. Spot accidentally lets slip the existence of a Rat World under the school. Fabian expresses interest in finding out more about Rat World, but the rest of the Bad Kids press him to steer the conversation back to Lucy.
The Name[]
Back in the Far Haven Woods to continue investigating the Rat Grinders, Fabian uses his pan pipes to summon several rats to interview using speak with animals . After the Bad Kids get several answers, Fabian wonders again about Rat World and Adaine asks what they use for money at the rat mall. The rats respond, "Rat dollars. Bye bye!" and immediately leave.
Ragenarok (Part 1)[]
Gearing up for a conflict in the school gymnasium, Fabian uses his pan pipes to summon all the rats of Rat World, who stream out of portcullises along the paneling at the base of the school. "For Lucy!" they shout as they go into battle. However, Fabian stops using his pan pipes early in the battle, and the rats never take an action. Later, as the gym fragments, they fall through the cracks and perish in the lava of Ankarna's rage dimension below the floor.