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Dimension 20 Wiki

The Red Herring is a guest at William Thornwall Brockhollow's 60th birthday party who is constantly accused of being a murderer whenever they go to a party.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring the Red Herring
Mice & Murder


The Red Herring is... you guessed it, a red herring. They are accused of being a murderer whenever they attend parties.


Unfinished Business[]

As Buckster $ Boyd is giving his speech in The Drawing Room to stall for time for the rest of The Sylvan Sleuths to catch the murderer, he accuses the Red Herring and asks the present members of the Tufting Meadows Constabulary to arrest them. The Red Herring looks up from their drink and exclaims that they are always accused of being a murderer at parties and that they shouldn't have come to the Squire's birthday party. The two members of the Constabulary immediately start to beat up the Red Herring.

Mice & Murder Characters
Player Characters Lars Vandenchomp | Buckster $ Boyd | Gangie Green | Vicar Ian Prescott | Daisy D'umpstaire | Detective Sylvester Cross
PC Families Rusty and Tuna Dumpster | Boarwell Boyd
William Thornwall Brockhollow | Jeremy Brockhollow | Lucretia Brockhollow | Constance Brockhollow | Dr. Corbin Magpie | Osmond Sheffield
Staff Armond Armadillo | Templeton Padhop | Milo Snout | Basil Baskins | Thomas Gilfoyle | Matilda Molesly | Maggie Banks | Ollie Banks | John Sprout | Tessa Teapot | Alfred Honeyhatch | Molly Milton and Millie Molton | Ambrose Harding | Edwina Thimble | Carolyn Dickory | Rosalind Crumb
Lady Eugenia Bristlebrush | Lord Eustace Bramble | Lady Winnifred Bramble | Lawrence Longfoot | Lady Calliope Fawnbrook | Lady Tabitha Fawnbrook | Colonel James Hawkins | Professor Simon Shellcrest | Lord Eoighan McCrae | Red Herring
Other Catherine McCabbage | Connor McCabbage | The Burroughs | Martin and Samantha Diggory | Tufting Meadows Constabulary | Rufus Roundear | Claude Fromage | Masked Assailant | Constable Nettles
Other Historical
King Charles | Eel Musk | Barkus Aurelius | Pharaoh Salamander V | Naponyan | Pawdius the Peaceful | Growlius Caesar the Great | Pawgustus the Wise | Rompie the Brave
Other Fletcher Cottonbottom | Lord Ignatius Cottonbottom | The Cardinal | Roscoe McCoy | Virginia Chase | Hazel Hogswollop | Josiah Jackrabbit
