Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki
Are you my dad? Am I my OWN dad!?
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Description; History

Ronnie Reptile is one of the children at Madame Loathing's Home for Wayward Interests.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Ronnie



Mentopolis Characters
Prefrontal PIs Anastasia Tension | Imelda Pulse | Conrad Schintz
Daniel Fucks | Detective Hunch Curio | The Fix
Mentopolis PC Families Immanuel Pulse | Imogen Pulse
Justin Fication | Donna Fucks
Sugah's Libby Longshower | Hans Schadenfreude | Joey Sneezes
Cerebell Pacific Norrell Ojiccle
Madame Loathing's Home
for Wayward Interests
Madame Loathing | Ronnie Reptile | Ichabod Ice Skates
Oblongata Station Max Medula | Wilton
Bigwigs Judge Connie Fusion | Mayor Leon Logic
Deputy Chief H. V. Lance | Mark Bition
Reflexes Ivana Popov | Fanny Fawnsworth
Frank Freeze | Stacy Fakename
Police Department Chief Alexander Tightass | Pasha N.
Officer Joie de Vivre | Officer Connell
Palookas Don Avaricci | Johnny Gullible
Miscellaneous Donny Urges | Freddy Focus | Anna Lysis
Mr. Thalamus | Dominick Nuntz
Humans Elias Hodge | Mr. Henry
