Senator the Ram is Old King Cole's chariot-pulling ram and friend to Pinocchio.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Senator |
Senator is a standard ram, who unlike many of the fairytale animals of The Neverafter, cannot speak. When Mother Timothy Goose casts silvery barbs, Senator runs out of his book as a silvery, smokey, ram. Senator is loyal to Cole, and his new master, Pinocchio, drawing him along in the chariot after Cole was absorbed into Timothy's book.
The Times of Shadow[]
Senator pulled Old King Cole's chariot along with the Chandling Caravan until they all made a stop before reaching Shoeburg.
Mirror, Mirror[]
Down Came the Rain[]
Timothy notices that Senator is in his book in this version of The Neverafter and briefly summons him out of it as he casts silvery barbs.
The Curdled Web[]
Senator runs out of Timothy's book as Timothy casts silvery barbs to help Pinocchio out of Muffet's web.