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Dimension 20 Wiki

Senator the Ram is Old King Cole's chariot-pulling ram and friend to Pinocchio.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Senator


Senator is a standard ram, who unlike many of the fairytale animals of The Neverafter, cannot speak. When Mother Timothy Goose casts silvery barbs, Senator runs out of his book as a silvery, smokey, ram. Senator is loyal to Cole, and his new master, Pinocchio, drawing him along in the chariot after Cole was absorbed into Timothy's book.



The Times of Shadow[]

Senator pulled Old King Cole's chariot along with the Chandling Caravan until they all made a stop before reaching Shoeburg.

Mirror, Mirror[]

Down Came the Rain[]

Timothy notices that Senator is in his book in this version of The Neverafter and briefly summons him out of it as he casts silvery barbs.

The Curdled Web[]

Senator runs out of Timothy's book as Timothy casts silvery barbs to help Pinocchio out of Muffet's web.

Neverafter Characters
Player Characters Princess Rosamund du Prix | Pinocchio
Prince Gerard of Greenleigh | Puss in Boots
Mother Timothy Goose | Ylfa Snorgelsson
PC Families Mother Snorgelsson | Ylfa Jottensdottir
Princess Elody of Greenleigh | Geppetto
Henry Hubbard | Jack Hubbard-Goose
PC Stories Tomas | Ricard | Marco | Alphonse the Mule
The Woodsman | Big Bad Wolf | Candlewick | Cricket
Il Terribile Pescecane | Prince Jonathan of Apogee
The Chandling
Boffit | Old King Cole | The Red Hen
Herr Drosselmyer | Eidelgrin | Senator
Lord Bandlebridge | Stephan | Magic Mirror
Elegy Donal | Fairy Godmother's Minions
Other Cressida Lumley
The Lullaby Lands Dish | Spoon | Pete the Cow | Itsy Bitsy Spider
Little Miss Muffet | Mayor Harold Hopps
The Endless Nights Scheherazade | Sinbad
Snowhold The Snow Queen | Koschei the Deathless | Baba Yaga
The Council
of Kings
The Baron of Bricks | The Mer-King | The Naked Emperor
The Tzar of Snowhold | The Mouse King | The King of Apogee
Tiny Humans Thumbelina | Tom Thumb | Jack, the Giant-Killer
Other Mürrisch, Schläfrig & Arzt | The Sword of Veritas
Alba Mac Lir | Flat William
The Fairies Nara | Bella | Nura | Anma | Hilda | Turquina
The Wicked Fairy | Fairy Godmother
The Princesses Cinderella | Snow White
Rapunzel | Mira | La Bête
Miscellaneous Beaky | The Authors | The Stepmother | Fox and Rabbit | The Gander
Aesop | The Golden Goose | Pinocchi-Crow | Key & Legend