Shawna Waters is a non-fiction author and political dissident of UFTP arrested on Myrmidon Station.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Shawna |
A Starstruck Odyssey
Shawna is a young black woman with tied up, hot pink hair. She is a non-fiction author who writes political essays and articles about the various companies throughout the galaxy such as UFTP and Jib-Job.
Shawna did community theater for a long time. She was arrested at Myrmidon Station for writing an essay slandering United Free Trade Planets.
Shawna escaped Myrmidon Station with The Gunner Channel; she used her acting "skills" to pose as a prison guard convince the other guards to let them pass, Shawna failed. After Veep 909 killed the actual guards, Shawna escaped the prison along with Kilogram Demitrius, Krang Voltro, and Jasmine and Estrea Martinez; all going their separate ways.