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"If by my life or death I can protect you, I shall." ― Sir Keradin Deeproot
Sir Keradin Deeproot is a sworn knight and paladin of the Bulbian Church.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Sir Keradin |
A Crown of Candy
Sir Keradin is an incredible, tall, muscle bound carrot paladin. He wears gleaming white armor with a cape decorated with the symbol of the Bulb. He wields a huge, green-headed, broccoli-stem mace.
He is extremely devoted to the Bulbian Church and has nigh-unshakable faith in it. He will do almost anything in the name of the Bulb.
Keep Sharp[]
Sir Keradin accompanies the Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica to the Great Pyramid of Food, along with Chancellor Lapin Cadbury and Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi.
The Grand Tournament[]
In the Grand Tournament, he fights in the second melee, along with King Amethar of House Rocks, Scravoya Myaso, and an unnamed Ceresian Gladiator.
During the tournament, he stabs Amethar in the side with a water-steel blade, poisoning him. Amethar leaves the fenced-in melee area in an attempt to forfeit from the match and find help, and when Lord Calroy Cruller calls for a healer, he looks to Sir Keradin. Keradin approaches and reaches out his hands, but when Liam Wilhelmina uses Detect Poison and Disease to identify what Amethar has been poisoned with, he detects two more of the same blades at Sir Keradin's side. He yells for Keradin to be stopped, and Princess Ruby Rocks snatches the blades off of him, publicly proving his guilt right then and there. They truly did fuck Brennan's shit.

Development sketch by season artist Samir Barrett: "Onionpatch & Sir Keradin were pretty straight forward onion & carrot dudes lol."
He is sentenced for punishment by the Pontifex for attempted murder, but Sir Theobald Gumbar requests that Candia be allowed to punish him on their terms. The Pontifex agrees, and Theobald, Lapin, and Calroy follow as he's escorted to the dungeons in Comida by Commander Constano Grissini and several other Imperial guards. Once there, they attempt to question him, but he doesn't answer. Lapin requests he be left alone with Keradin, and once he is, he pulls an excellent deception: he pretends to begin to unshackle Keradin and asks who supplied him with the blades so that he can finish the job. Keradin spills everything: the Archbishop Alfredi had given him the three he had.
Satisfied with the information he gathered, Lapin calls the guards back in and successfully convinces them to arrest Alfredi as soon as possible. Enraged by his trickery, Keradin lashes out violently, straining against his bonds and screaming at Lapin for being a traitor to the church. Lapin slaps him across the face and threatens him with the question: "Where is your Bulb now?".
Chaos in the Cathedral[]
Sir Keradin joins the fight against House Rocks in The Cathedral, in which he kills Lapin Cadbury and Peppermint Preston as the rest of House Rocks flees.
Blood & Bread[]
Sir Keradin is seen in the woods just outside of Castle Candy by Cumulous Rocks with a squadron of Bulbian knights.
Rescue at Buzzybrook[]
Sir Keradin arrives in Buzzybrook with a squadron of Bulbian knights just as House Rocks are making their exit.
The Two Balls[]
For Candia! (Part 1)[]
For Candia! (Part 2)[]
- His first name is likely a reference to "beta carotene", a pigment found in colorful plants, including carrots.
- His mini was sold as part of the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy Auction for $7,002