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This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 17 of A Crown of Candy, proceed at your own risk.
Mystery Sillouette2
This article is about the player character from A Crown of Candy, Sir Theobald Gumbar.
For the article about the teddy bear from The Unsleeping City, see Theo.

"Chancellor, do they not have a spell that tells you what time it is!?" ― Sir Theobald to Chancellor Lapin Cadbury

Sir Theobald Gumbar is Lord Commander of the Tartguard and Sworn Knight of the Order of North-Gumbia. He is played by Brian Murphy.

Quick Answers

What is the role of Sir Theobald Gumbar in the Order of North-Gumbia? toggle section
As the Lord Commander of the Tartguard and a Sworn Knight of the Order of North-Gumbia, Sir Theobald Gumbar is tasked with the supervision and protection of the royal family's princesses. His unwavering dedication to the King and throne is evident in his relentless pursuit of order, often following the havoc caused by Jet and Ruby. His battle skills have earned him respect, despite the princesses' teasing.
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Who does Sir Theobald Gumbar protect as Lord Commander of the Tartguard? toggle section
Sir Theobald Gumbar, as Lord Commander of the Tartguard, is responsible for the safety of Candia's royal family. His duties specifically involve the supervision and protection of Princesses Jet and Ruby. His loyalty extends to King Amethar and the House of Rocks.
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What is Sir Theobald Gumbar's attitude towards his job as a protector? toggle section
As Lord Commander of the Tartguard, Sir Theobald Gumbar is deeply committed to his duty of protecting the royal family of Candia, despite the challenging antics of Princesses Jet and Ruby. His unwavering loyalty is directed towards King Amethar and the House of Rocks, even amidst the incompetence of his military force. His rivalry with Lapin is marked by mutual respect for the throne, resulting in petty and passive-aggressive exchanges.
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Who is King Amethar in relation to Sir Theobald Gumbar? toggle section
Sir Theobald Gumbar, as the Lord Commander of the Tartguard, is responsible for the protection of Candia's royal family. His unwavering loyalty lies with King Amethar and the House of Rocks. Despite the Tartguard's shortcomings, Sir Theobald's allegiance to King Amethar remains steadfast. He was formerly under the guardianship of Archmage Lazuli of House Rocks.
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"I am Sir Theobald Gumbar, Lord Commander of the Tartguard, Sworn Knight of the Order of North-Gumbia. I protect the King, King Amethar, and also really everyone in the castle, sort of a 24-hour-a-day job, and I love it. It’s not just a job for me, it’s a way of life. No days off, sort of every day-- just kind of a thing. Do not trust the Chancellor, but everyone else I generally get along with. I am a level 3 Eldritch Knight." Brian Murphy


Sir Theobald is a knight incredibly dedicated to his job serving the crown, and is described by the twin princesses Jet and Ruby as “thirsty for respect”. He seems to spend most of his time chasing after their trail of destruction, reprimanding the hilariously incompetent Tartguard, and butting heads with the Chancellor.


He is a large red Gummy-Bear-man clad in heavy golden armor. He wears a neatly pressed cape that denotes his station as Lord Commander. He carries Battlepop as a weapon, as well as the shield Swirlwarden.


Theobald used to be a ward under Archmage Lazuli of House Rocks. He jumped at the chance to serve, to follow rules and rigorous schedules, waking up early to train. It's then at that he discovered a love of reading. Her first order for him was "think for yourself and be curious". During his time as her ward, Lazuli taught him magic like the Find Familiar spell, which he uses to summon Sprinkle. He's still not very good at it.

He was there on the day Lazuli gave her life to save Candia's armies in the Ravening War. She told Theobald that it needed to be done to save their people and the world, and though he did not think anything of it at the time, he believes she may have seen Princess Ruby Rocks and the arcane power she possesses coming. She called down a downpour of arcane arrows, sacrificing her own life, but saving the life of Theobald, as well as the rest of Candia's men.

Theobald also fought alongside King Amethar of House Rocks during the Ravening War.


There is Strength in Sweetness[]

Sir Theobald is first introduced as he walks down a corridor in Castle Candy on the morning of the twin princesses' 18th Saint's Day. Sir Toby, a fellow knight, approaches and greets him. Despite every other day that they've spent teaching the twins, they agree that now that they're grown women, today is going to be different.

Sir Toby delivers a report on some brigands, as well as rumors of an ogre in Dulcington. He reports that Sir Amanda Maillard, the Queen's Champion, has been sent out to deal with it, and Theobald suggests sending some of their men as well, since they really need a win right now. This is emphasized as they spot two members of the Tartguard tickling each other with their dulled swords, and Theobald scolds them. When he orders them to get new, sharp swords, they throw them out the window.

The royal herald, Poncival Pishpuff appears and asks if Theobald is ready to escort the princesses to the ceremonies festivities of the day. He agrees, but when the Herald calls for them, no one appears. He calls again, and still no one answers. Theobald and his forces (very loudly) take the knee in preparation for them being there, but once again, the princesses do not arrive. The Herald suggests that they could still be tied up in lessons with Chancellor Lapin Cadbury, as he tends to ramble, and Theobald agrees.

In the tallest tower in Castle Candy, Chancellor Lapin Cadbury drones on about the history of House Rocks. Theobald enters the room and immediately starts bickering with Lapin about how much they don't like each other. This goes on for several minutes until Sir Toby draws their attention to the fact that the princesses aren't actually in the room anymore. In their place are two scarecrows stuffed with sugar-grass. The three of them rush to the window to search for them.

They follow a series of smashed royal emblems into the town of Dulcington, where they recover the girls. Jet and Ruby attempt to butter Theobald up in order to glean more information about the caravan or envoy leaving for Comida, but he sees through their sweet talk. Sir Toby suggests bringing the girls before Queen Caramelinda, and knowing they'd be fucked if they were, the girls begin to stall. Jumping off Lapin's comment about their hour and a half of missed lecture they'd need to make up, Ruby asks about the nobility, and Jet sits on the ground, as she can't walk and study at the same time. Theobald picks her up and carries her back to the castle himself.

Ambush on the Sucrosi Road[]

Keep Sharp[]

The Grand Tournament[]

Lapin's Big Day[]

Chaos in the Cathedral[]

Escape from the Bulb Creeps[]

Deep Bleu Sea[]

Theobald stands on the deck of the Colby as it sinks and is boarded by House Bleu marauders and is able to avoid most of their attacks. Seeing the commotion above him with Jet and Primsy, Theobald uses nearby rope to swing up to the crow's nest and attempts to help stabilize Primsy but fails. A marauder swings to their position and attacks him causing to decided to Jet immediately take Primsy down to the small boat below where he recognizes Cumulous form the memory where he first became Lazuli's ward. Captain Annabelle runs up to the nest and attacks the marauder with him and Theobald then shove him into the sea. He turns to her and says "hope we're good now," before jumping down to the small boat and then leaps into the rowboat attacking the nearest marauder.

WIthout Annabelle steering, the Colby sinks further into the sea causing waves to rock the smaller boats throwing Theobald, Jet, and Annabelle overboard. Amethar see the trouble his family is in and jumps back onto the Colby and gets the last crew member to swing the ship towards the smaller boats. Theobald is able to grab onto the ships mast and burst out of the sea into the rowboat taking an attack meant for Cumulous. Jet jumps into the rowboat and joins in the attack.

The Colby sinks further downwards but it is not able to drag Amethar under the waves. Amethar sees Ruby go overboard and unable to save her joins the attack on the rowboat. Raging he starts throwing men overboard into the mast of the other ship giving Ruby the chance to get to safety. Jet jumps onto the rowboat and sneak attacks the marauders. Annabelle is finally able to climb to safety aboard and she take the wheel from Liam. In the distance they see the farthest House Bleu marauder ship sail away without a captain.

On the rowboat, Theobald, Jet, Amethar, and Cumulous are left with two marauders who promptly kneel and surrender. Cumulous kills one maraudars and Jet kills the other. Primsy is brought onto the rowboat with the group and then they all board the House Bleu marauder ship.

Safe Harbor[]

La Fondue sails in through a storm heading towards open sea. With most of the Cheddar sailors down the Rock family have to help sail the ship with Captain Annabelle who has lashed herself to the helm. As the storm passes the group are able to go below deck to rest. Having fought that morning in the cathedral and then on the Colby most of the group passes out due to exhaustion. Cumulous and Theobald stay up conversing about the monks and bonding over their mutual connection to Lazuli.

They awaken the next morning to the storm gone and the Cheddar crew gathered on deck for the funeral at seafor their fallen comrad with Annabelle presiding over. Afterwards Primsy emerges from below decks and invites the Royal House of Rocks to a parley in the captains quarters. There they tell Annabelle and Primsy the events that happened in the cathedral and what events led to Amethar's breaking his oath of marriage.hey also divulge to Annabelle and Primsy that Amethar was named the sucessor to the Concordant Emperor.

With in their down time as they voyage to the Dairy Islands Jet, Ruby, and Theobald research the Ramsian Doctrine is a belief concerning how the world ends. It says that the final destruction of The Hungry One by the Bulb and final salvation of all souls cannot occur till The Hungry one devours the world and their are certain souls that are delicious and health and other souls that are junk food (a curse word). It is the presence of these latter souls that is preventing the Hungry One from devouring the world and until those people are removed the final salvation cannot happen. Cumulous tells only the House of Rock members that Candia's are not normally magical, it is a curated magic from the Sugar Plum Fairy. The church knows that their power comes from others not having magic. During this conversation Ruby shocks Theo and Cumulous with the revelation that she sees Lazuli outside of her death vision.

La Fondue arrives to to the Dairy Island and continue sailing to the Cola River and arrive at Port Syrup. at the port are three sunken imperial warships. Annabelle and runs down a banner of House Cheddar with a smaller banner of House Rocks flying underneath. As they arrive at the harbor they see Manta Ray Jack and Sire Morris Brie. Amethar and Manta Ray Jack embrace and Manta Ray tells them of his escape with Sir Morris and how they managed to escape borderline and get word to Candia with the help of Calroy but unfortunately Lord and Lady Swirly were no so fortunate. For now Calroy and the Queen are holding Candia but Jawbreaker is in a tight spot. No Concordnt Emperor has been named and The Pontifex will not hold a Concordian Council till Candia is brought back into the fold. Till then she will be stewarding the Concord.

In the port the group is met with a royal welcome but the church bells that normally would ring do not. A report is given that there is violence in the mountains from with marauders, imperial attacks on House Jawbreaker, and forty imperial soldiers were in a passage with their blood smeared on the frosty mountainside saying "Long live the queen." There is also a notice of a call to musters for all various banner lords and vassals to report to the Castle Candy because a huge army is moving north from Comida cross the Cola River and attack Castle Candy.

Ruby communes with Lazuli via a mirror and conveys to the group that if they go straight mountains it will be worthless but if they go to Castle Candy their is a chance to take the army's and go north before heading back south to face off with the invading armies. Annabelle and Primsy bid farewell to the House of Rock as the sail back to Lacramor to muster the Dairy Islands and ensure the seas are not safe for any ship aiming for Candia. Sir Morris Brie stays to hold down the port while Manta Ray takes the group on the Babybel ship to Castle Candy.

They arrive to Castle Candy at 4 in the morning. Ruby and Jet get tattoos from Manta Ray. The group walk up to Castle Candy and Theobald not so casually announces them to Limon. Limon hops off the wall and meets the group below. Things with Limon get dark but they are saved by the gate suddenly lowering. Queen Carmelinda sweeps the Jet and Ruby into an embrace. She reasures them that she is just happy to have them back safely. Theobald is commanded to take the princesses and prince Liam inside. Calroy runs out while pulling on his war pants. Calroy regards Cumulous with suspicion and the group has to inform them that Lapin sacrificed himself to save them. When the group minus Theobald and Amethar try to steal away the Queen puts her footdown trapping them in carmel and has them all go inside to get freshed up. Theo messages the queen and tells her "I wouldn't dare it out loud as to not undermine her infront of her family, but the twins saved them during battle and reminded him of General Rococoa and Lazuli who did equally brave things at their age." The queen notes that.

Amethar follows Carmelinda to her chambers to confront him. The rest of the group go with Ruby to place the last message of Lapin under the broken tea cup at the stone statues in a makeshift funeral. Liam goes and finds a peppermint heart seed and places it next to the tea cup for Preston while Cumulous sits down to meditate at the statue. Cumulous stays to meditate and the rest returns to the castle. Theobald parts ways the the princesses and prince to go on his patrols around the castle while subtly looking for Amethar. Theo finds Sir Toby's quarters unusally messy and finds his body butchered. Theo is locked in the room by Muffin soldiers. Theo casts knock on the door and busts open the door ready to take on the soldiers.

Blood and Bread[]

At the Mountains of Sweetness[]

Rescue at Buzzybrook[]

Family Ties[]

Encounter in the Ice Cream Temple[]

The Two Balls[]

For Candia (Part 1)[]

For Candia (Part 2)[]


Development sketch by season artist Samir Barrett: "The King's Guard"


Princesses Jet and Ruby Rocks[]


Development sketch by season artist Samir Barrett: "Theo was pretty much the same but I ended up adding swirl-warden."

The twin daughters of King Amethar and princesses of Candia. He seems to spend most of his time chasing after their trail of destruction. In his dedication to the King and the throne, he is extremely diligent in supervising and protecting the princesses. They love to tease him, and he's very exasperated by their antics. Jet liked to assume that she'd be taking Theobald's place now that she's an adult, but after witnessing his prowess in battle, he's earned her utmost respect, and she would be honored to train as an apprentice under him.

Chancellor Lapin Cadbury[]

Primogen of the Church in Candia and the primary instructor to the two princesses. Although he and Theobald have a mutual dislike of each other, their rivalry usually manifests as just petty and passive-aggressive comments, and constantly trying to one-up each other in their respect and dedication to the throne. As the politics in Calorum continue to complicate themselves in the wake of Emperor Gustavo Uvano's illness and need for an heir, Theobald comes to trust his judgement more and consult with him on sensitive matters. Don't get him wrong, he still hates him.

King Amethar of House Rocks[]

King of Candia. Theobald is incredibly dedicated to serving and protecting his king. It's literally his job, and he loves it. During the Ravening War, they fought alongside each other, and Amethar seems to view Theobald as part of his family.

Following the revelation that Saccharina Rocks was Amethar’s daughter by his first wife, Theo grew gradually more and more disgusted by how Amethar treated her. This came to a head when, following the revelation that Amethar was keeping from Saccharina the fact that he was still legally the king, Theo broke his oath to House Rocks. After Amethar became the new Concordant Emperor, Theo seems to reconcile with him.

Liam Wilhelmina[]

King Amethar's "ward", whom Theo looks after. Theobald is his favorite person. They have a very amicable relationship and bond over both being wards.

Sir Toby[]

Another knight of the Order of North-Gumbia. He's not as high ranking as Theo, but they're both good friends and Theo often seeks Toby's company and assistance in the face of the Tartguard's incompetence.

The Tartguard[]

The guards that protect Castle Candy. They're somewhat incompetent, which frustrates Theo.

Archmage Lazuli of House Rocks[]

Former princess of the House of Rocks. Before her death in the Ravening War, Theobald served as a ward under her and learned magic, like the Find Familiar spell. She saved his life (and the lives of all the men they were fighting alongside) by sacrificing her own. He has mentioned in a conversation with Cumulous Rocks that he had a crush on Lazuli, but could've been confused with his admiration and respect for her.

Queen Caramelinda of House Rocks[]

Queen of Candia. Theobald was acquainted to Queen Caramelinda when she was wed to Archmage Lazuli of House Rocks when he was her ward. She knew of his admiration and enamored dedication to her wife. Queen Caramelinda resented him for failing to keep his orders to protect the royal family after Jet's death.


Second-in-command to Saccharina Frostwhip. Following the acceptance of Saccharina as Queen of Candia, Theo did his best to make it known his position as Captain of the King's Guard, which led to some tension with Gooey, already being her de-facto head of guard. While starting out with quasi-animosity, the tension grew sexual very quick, and though it is has not been resolved on screen, Theobald stated after the battle to reclaim Castle Candy that he was on his way to get "slammed down big style by Gooey."

Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip[]

Given how his oath pledged himself to the ruler of Candia rather than personally to House Rocks, Theo quickly supported Saccharina after the revelation that she was the rightful king. Following the revelation that Amethar had been mistreating Saccharina and withholding from her the fact that she was not actually the queen, Theo grew so disgusted with Amethar that he pledged himself to Saccharina, “whether or not she held the crown.”


  • "Teddy" is a possible nickname for someone named Theobald, and "Gumbar" sounds suspiciously like "gummy bear".
  • Theobald is a self-proclaimed 'real indoor kid'
  • During an episode of Adventuring Party, Murph joked that Theo shits out gummy worms.
  • His mini was sold as part of the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy Auction for $5,001
A Crown of Candy Characters
Player Characters King Amethar of House Rocks | Princess Jet Rocks | Princess Ruby Rocks | Sir Theobald Gumbar | Chancellor Lapin Cadbury | Liam Wilhelmina of House Jawbreaker | Cumulous Rocks | Queen Saccharina of House Frostwhip
Animal Companions Peppermint Preston | Sprinkle | Yak | Princess | Cinnamon
NPCs Candia
House Rocks Queen Caramelinda | General Rococoa | Saint Citrina | Archmage Lazuli | Princess Sapphria | King Jadain | Queen Pamelia
Duke Joren Jawbreaker | Grash | Spearia Mentha
Order of the
Spinning Star
Swifty | Gooey | Jon Bon
Other Lord Calroy Cruller | The Tartguard | Limon Longhalls | Sir Toby | Herald Poncival Pishpuff | Sir Amanda Maillard | Cirinda | Whoppins | Paz | Lady Whipperly | Lord Finnegan Swirlie | Lady Swirlie | Licorina Loghead | Bitternight Darknibs | Cranberry Tallcake | Master Dippins | Lady Donetta Cruller | Limey | Johan Battenburg
House Uvano Emperor Gustavo Uvano | Lady Plumbeline Uvano | Lord Consort Rufus Applebottom
Other Viscount Thaddeus Strongpit | Lord Chiquito Citron
Ceresia Banner
Ceresian Senate Senator Augustus Ciabatta | Senator Semolina
Other Commander Constano Grissini | Imperator Focaccia | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Lady Linguina Freccia | Ceresian Gladiator
The Dairy
House Cheddar Duchess Primsy Coldbottle | Captain Annabelle Cheddar | Prince Tarthur Cheddar
House Bleu Lord Stilton Curdeau | Cheese Marauders
Other Manta Ray Jack | Sir Morris Brie | Father Belford Buttercream | Catherine Ghee
Vegetania Banner
House Cabbage King Belvedere Cabbage | Prince Nezemiah Cabbage | Princess Maisy Cabbage
The Bulbian
Pontifex Belizabeth Brassica | Archbishop Oliver Onionpatch | Sir Keradin Deeproot | Archbishop Fettucina Alfredi | Archbishop Raddica Rutabagans | Saint Turnipat | Saint Arugula | Bartholomew Broccolpatch
Other Sir Bonathan Flashfry
The Meat Lands
Meat Lands Banner
Basha Myaso | Scravoya Myaso | Jawbone
Deities The Bulb | The Hungry One | The Sugar-Plum Fairy | The Great Beasts