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Swifty is a gingerbread man and a member of Queen Saccharina's band of marauders.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring Swifty |
A Crown of Candy
Time Quangle
Swifty is a little gingerbread man with a little Peter Pan cap. Other than that, he's pretty much naked. He has the classic buttons and is almost two-dimensional. He wields a lollipop shard knife. He's a pretty fucked up little guy that has a penchant for stabbing everyone he sees.
At the Mountains of Sweetness[]
Rescue at Buzzybrook[]
During the rescue of Duke Joren Jawbreaker, Swifty spends most of his time in an armory with Sir Theobald Gumbar and Gooey, and steals a lot of magical Candian weapons.
Family Ties[]
Swifty was shown to have an addiction to smoking cigarettes. Swifty later mentioned that both of his ex-wives have died. Swifty's first ex-wife died after a botched murder-suicide attempt (it is unclear whether it was the murder part or the suicide part that went wrong). The second ex-wife was an addict like Swifty and attempted to murder him for his stash. The second ex-wife went for Swifty's throat but Swifty was able to go for her stomach first. The fight took place during the couple's legal divorce proceedings at a courthouse with a judge as their witness.
- Swifty murdered his parents for trying to send him to a Bulbian monastery.
- Due in part to his horrible smoking habit and the pure malice within him, Swifty is so blocked up that he cannot piss or shit. In addition, he lacks the hardware to do so and instead sweats it out.
- Swifty has a base movement speed of 70, meaning with a dash action he can travel 140ft in a round.
- His mini was sold at the Dimension 20 A Crown Of Candy auction for $2,603.
- ↑ Adventuring Party. See Season 12, "Rude Goldberg and Eartha Crit, Explained" starting at 0:04:53.
- ↑ Adventuring Party. See Season 12, "Rude Goldberg and Eartha Crit, Explained" starting at 0:04:24.