Sylvie Ecclentripe is a magical student in Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts. She is a member of Messanteu House.
Knowing if she flunks out of her house she will be forced into Chimeron, Sylvie is eager, bordering on desperate, to do something that will catapult her back into the top of her class. Being a Messauteu student, it stands to reason she is incredibly smart, though admits that she is exhausted at the contant competition to keep her position in her house.
Sylvie is extremely tall with very dark skin. She has gold-covered eyes and platinum blond hair. It is clear that she has been touched with something interplaner, specifically a strong tethering to the deep earth.
Sylvie is a student at Gowpenny Academy, and was sorted into Messanteu House when she was 11 years old. Some of the Magical Misfits have had classes with Sylvie previously. She absolutely hates Hercinil House, thinking the students there are "a bunch of buttholes," and feels she should have been sorted into Aqrabus House instead.
The first time Sylvie is seen is after the prank from the Hercinil Trio against Aqrabus Tower. As she is helping to repair the damages, she offers a plan to get back at the "hero house" during Rivalry Week's big Scupper's match the next day. Being part of Messanteu House and at risk of flunking out, she knows she needs to do something big to get her teacher's attentions. So she suggests to the Magical Misfits that she use a series of hexes and spells that she has to turn the Scuppers Field into a construct (ie a big monster) similar to a golem with the Misfits playing the part of the evil magicians. (As Dangerwolf Darkhawk puts it, "[Sylvie's] bringing the magic, and [the Magical Misfits]'re bringing the style.") Only wanting recognition from her teachers, the Misfits tell her everyone will know that she created this great magic, and assuring her that they will protect her in case anyone from Hercinil tries to get back at her for great plan. They have a big heart-to-heart where Sylvie reveals how exhausted she is by being in Messanteu House, and thinks she should have been in Aqrabus instead, to which Andre replies that that can be arranged, though later gives the caveat that that can only happen if her plan works. Now friends, Sylvie goes with the instruction to put everyone they want effected by the spell on the Scupper's Field in an hour. Premium replies that that will be the entirity of Hercinil.
After the hour is up, Dangerwolf Darkhawk is able to bring the Eiffel Tower to the Scupper's Field to draw people to the field. Sylvie attempts to turn this into her aforesaid construct, but it quickly gets out of hand, turning into a low and rumbling massive, hulking beast of iron, steel, and goalposts. She then warns the Magical Miscreants that she hadn't finished the part of the spell where the golem is controlled right before running away.
Confirmation Dais[]
Like all students at Gowpenny, when Sylvie was 11 years old, she was sorted into her house by means of the Confirmation Dais. When stepping onto the Dais, she had thoughts of wanting to make people in her life proud of her. The Dais took this to mean that she would forever be fighting for people's approval, and placed Sylvie in Messantau House, the only house where the students have to essentially fight to keep their positions.
The Magical Misfits[]
After a group of Hercinil students "prank" those of the Aqrabus House by magically lifting their tower, the Magical Misfits start scheming as to what they can do for payback. As she helps resecure the Tower, Sylvie suggests cursing the Hercinils. Knowing she is about to flunk out of Messanteu, she is desperate to get into the good graces of the Magical Misfits in order to do something magically grand that will take her out of the bottom of her class. Her suggestion is to use a series of hexes and spells that she has to turn the Scuppers Field into a construct (ie a big monster), the Misfits playing the part of the evil magicians. They initially tell Sylvie that they will ensure everyone knows that it was her plan, which scares her at the thought Hercinil might come after her. However, the Magical Misfits assure her that they will protect her from any retribution. After a heart-to-heart, Sylvie says she believes they are now all friends, to which the Misfits agree.
Andre Henreek[]
After Chip and Sylvie bond over their mutual love of rocks, Andre replies that he loves many things. The overt sexuality of his statement freaks Sylvie out. So she backs away, and hides behind Chip. She then chastizes him, saying that he's nasty, and tells him Messanteu House has posters up specifically warning its students to stay away from Andre. Andre makes her so uncomfortable, she doesn't allow him to make eye contact with her. After Sylvie reveals how resentful she feels about having to be in Messanteu, Andre offers to pull some strings to get her into Aqrabus instead. Sylvie replies, if he can do that, he will be allowed to look her in the eye, but only once.
Chip n Rip[]
Being extra proficient in geo-based magic, Chip is able to feel that Sylvie is very tethering to ore, gold, and the deep earth that runs through her. Chip, trying to connect, asks if she loves rocks. While not initially sure if they're being racist, Sylvie replies that, yes, she loves them, to which Chip replies that rocks are one of the two things they love (the other being fish). They're the one that coaxes Sylvie to tell the Misfits her plan to screw over Hercinil House. They even offer to make necklaces to put on the monsters Sylive plans to make that say, "By Sylvie," so people know that the idea was hers.
Dangerwolf Darkhawk[]
When Sylvie suggests/asks that they are all friends after a big heart-to-heart, Dangerwolf affirms by saying there's room for five on the Top Shelf (the Top Shelf being one of the nicknames of the Magical Misfits).
Premium Va-Casians[]
When they first meet, Premium tells Sylvie that she thinks she's incredibly smart, incredibly charming, and so "incredibly going to help [them]. Otherwise, [she] will have to pull some spines," though specifies that the spine won't be Sylvie's. After Sylvie laments her lot as a member of Messanteu, Premium is able to relate and inspire her explaining that if people are going to force them to become a certain person, they can and will be the best of that person they can be. She then offers a bottle of Premium Sweat to help with her magic. While Sylvie knows it won't work, she decides to buy one anyway, and Premium then offers her a spot on the Aqrabus dance team.
Tallulah Jillymont[]
Sylvie has a deeply personal resentment against Hercinil House. She thinks they're a bunch of buttholes. Tallulah, in particular, would poop in Sylvie's locker.
- Sylvie has never seen a movie. Like many non-NAMPs, she doesn't even know what they are.
- Sylivie doesn't know what dance is either. Or rhythm.
Misfits and Magic Characters | ||||
Player Characters | Main Season | Dream | Evan Kelmp | Sam Black | Whitney Jammer | ||
Live Show | Dangerwolf Darkhawk | Chip n Rip Andre Henreek | Premium Va-Casians | |||
Non-Player Characters |
PC Families and Familiars | BooBoo | Dangerwolf's Parents | Evan's Shadow | Janet and Maurice Tanaka | Mordecai | Ravageur | Ron | Sam's Mother | Spalding | Terminator 2 | Theodore | Troxie Darling | ||
Gowpenny Academy of Arcane Arts |
Faculty | Headmistress Boudicca Philtrum | Nurse David Stitchnit | The Frunthwinkle | Dr. Norman Boodle | Sausage | Professor Viniscus | ||
Hercinil | Digsby Cooper | Fergus Ponst | Khanh Nguyen | Tallulah Jillymont | |||
Aqrabus | Penfrew Lairmsbury | Raclette Camembert | |||
Messanteu | Sylvie Ecclentripe | |||
Chimeron | Anamika | Coggle and Hoggle Undergus | Frink | Jesse | Lemli Irving | Peter | |||
Other | Confirmation Dais | Freya | Golden Snitch Kid | Jammer's Coach | Juice Freshman | Roger | Vertiq Alley Shopkeepers |