Telemaine Lomenelda (pronounced TEL-ə-myne) is Fabian Seacaster's maternal grandfather. He watches over Kei Lumennura, the place where elves are sent to spend their teenage years, when they are too horny and the other elves don't want to deal with them. He struggles greatly with the concept of time, and with the pronunciation of common words.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes featuring Telemaine |
Fantasy High: Sophomore Year
Fantasy High: Junior Year
Telemaine is a tall high elf with long, platinum blonde white hair. He has a receding hairline in the shape of a widow's peak, and shimmering blue eyes. Even though he has the eternal youth of an elf, he shows signs of aging in the crinkle of his eyes in an Elrond kind of way. He has the appearance of a guy in his 40s or 50s who's really kept it tight.
He wears regal green robes and a silver circlet, and when he moves (in a supernaturally graceful way), the hem of his robes only touches the very tips of the grass.
Telemaine is a very emotional man, thoroughly touched by the arrival of his grandson, and full of despair over the concept of death, though he expresses it in a strange way. He shudders awkwardly when he sobs, and his face doesn't move as tears stream down his cheeks when he weeps. He has a penchant for force feeding people with blossoms and flowers that fall upon his palms, which should be interpreted as eccentric yet well-meaning attempts at hospitality.
The Elven Swordsmith[]
Telemaine was an elven swordsmith. It is difficult to tell how long the swords took to make because of his warped sense of time, but the general consensus from the Bad Kids seems to be that he was very slow but very good. The swords he crafted include:
- Fandrangor, Sword of the North Star, crafted 3000 years ago for King Thristwin Eversong, now used by Fabian Seacaster.
- Sword of Sight, a sword for the elven oracle, now in the possession of Adaine Abernant
In return for his work on Fandrangor, he was gifted Kei Lumennura, the elven sanctuary in Fallinel that he now watches over.
In Kei Lumennura[]
The Bad Kids arrive in Kei Lumennura after they depart from Leviathan to rescue Adaine Abernant from Calethriel Tower. They observe the forest in its pristine beauty, and a deer that cries stardust passes. Convinced it's the beast the she asked Arthur Aguefort to make her, Fig Faeth takes a fresh clove and lays it on the ground as an offering after initially scaring it away. Telemaine appears and comments on her "deposit" on the pristine forest floor. Fig argues it's all natural. He introduces himself, and Fabian recognizes him.
The Bad Kids discuss how he pronounces Fabian's name, and Telemaine gets rather emotional. Riz is put on edge by elven chanting that emerges from the forest around them, and Sandra Lynn Faeth assures her daughter, Fig that they are not half this. They're wood elves. Big difference.
Gilear Faeth approaches and addresses Telemaine, complimenting him on how clean the woods are kept. Telemaine appreciates that the party is being escorted by elves and that they've brought his grandson. Fabian tells him about their adventure, and about their missing friend. Telemaine laments that Fabian's human blood has brought mortality to their family, and that someday, he will die. He bursts into (moaning, very static) sobs.
He turns to Gorgug Thistlespring, who's trying to determine what exactly is going on with him, and asks what he sees. Gorgug answers time, then going slow, then taking a nap, and Telemaine once again laments the short, surely nap-less life of humans. He seems to think that humans only live for 20 years, though later it becomes apparent that his concept of time is severely skewed and 20 years to him may not actually be 20 years.
He thinks the Abernants were callous and cruel, and power hungry, and doesn't understand why they left Fallinel. He thinks Angwyn is a crass and small man.
Telemaine struggles with the pronunciation of many Solisian words and names. Examples can be found in this handy pronunciation guide:
Fabian Aramaris Seacaster /'feɪbiːæn ærə'meɪs 'siːkɑːstɜːr/ |
Fah-bi-yan Ara-may-as Say-castair /fəbiː'ɑːn ɑːraɪːjɑː'maɪs seɪkəs'teə/ |
Teenagers /'tiːneɪdʒəs/ | Tunaijaris /ten'aɪdʒeres/ Tenijaris /'tenedʒɑːrɪs/ Tanjarus /tæn'dʒɑːrɪs/ Tine/Gaiger Teenjija |
Gorgug /'gɔːrgʌg/ | Jorjudge /dʒɔː'dʒʌdʒ/ Bordad /'bɔːdəd/ Brorjuj /'brɔːdʒedʒ/ Chejj /tʃedʒ/ Gripnip /grɪpnɪp/ |
Van /væn/ | Baan /bɑːn/ |
Bros /brəʊs/ | Bross /brɒs/ |
Career /kə'rɪər/ | Caraare /kæ'rɑːr/ |
Job /dʒɒb/ | Jobe /dʒəʊb/ |
High School /'haɪ skul/ | Haichul /haɪ 'tʃʌl/ High Chole /haɪ 'tʃəʊl/ |
Boyfriend /'bɔɪ.frend/ | Joyjarant /'tʃɔɪtʃərənt/ Groyfriend /'grɔɪ.frend/ |
Garage /ɡær.'ɑːʒ/ | Gargagé /gɑːr'gɑːdʒeɪ/ |
Shrimp /ʃrɪmp/ | Shchim /ʃtʃɪm/ |
- Brennan confirmed the official spelling of his name: