The Court of Stone, also known as the Stone Court, is a court within Faerie in a Court of Fey and Flowers, and it is lead by Yarl Korguf
- Claete
- Ruyin
- Sorwen (previously)
- Jarl Korguf (leader)
Relationships with Other Courts[]
- They have an alliance with the Seafoam Court, with which they are conspiring in case the Court of Wonder ever attacks the Seafoam Court.
- Prior to the events of the show, Sorwen left the Stone Court to join the Seafoam Court
- Yarl Korguf was friends with Prince Apollo of the Court of Wonder and Princess Suntar of the Unseelie Court, having been seen at their party.
- In Episode 8, some unnamed middle peerage of the Stone Court sent deeply impersonal letters to BINX Choppley of the Court of Craft, unknowingly alongside similar letters from members of the Deepwater Court, the Seafoam Court and the Seelie Court, inquiring about her potential desire to marry and bolster her court by having someone from their respective Courts leave their Court to join hers. These letters were left unresponded, as it stressed BINX out to receive so many messages from people they didn't know, which acted like she knew them.