The Court of Wonder is one of the many courts in A Court of Fey and Flowers. It is a home of many celebrities in the fey realm, including The Blue Fairy from Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio. It can be presumed to be a monarchy due to Prince Apollo being one of their members, although the Chorus are described as their leaders.
The Court of Wonder is home to many higher and lesser fey, and it is the place which produces the type of magic known to humankind as "miracles" - the kind of magic one might pray over.
Surena says in Adventuring Party that she thinks the Court of Craft and the Court of Wonder might have been at some point just one court that later got broken off.
They have previously been involved in a failed political engagement between their own Prince Apollo and the Viscountess Grabalba of the Goblin Court.
BINX claims that The Court of Wonder stole the Court of Craft's magic from them. The Pack of Pixies banded together to take down Prince Apollo for how he and his court have damaged their courts.
- Prince Apollo (deceased)
- BINX Choppley (previously and temporarily, as Gwyndolin Thistle-hop)
- The Blue Fairy
- The Chorus
- Delloso de la Rue (previously)
- Gwyndolin Thistle-hop (previously)
- Wuvvy
Relationships with Other Courts[]
- The Seafoam Court are concerned that The Court of Wonder have taken too much credit for the Bloom.
- According to BINX, the Court of Wonder stole all the magic from the Court of Craft.
- Hob feels that the Court of Wonder nobility, especially Prince Apollo, have repeatedly dishonoured the Goblin Court, especially the Viscountess Grabalba.
- Delloso de la Rue, formerly of the Court of Wonder is very close friends with BINX Choppley of the Court of Craft, K.P. Hob of the Goblin Court, and Prince Andhera of the Unseelie Court, all four of whom are conspiring to take down the Court of Wonder, particularly Prince Apollo.
- Prince Apollo of the Court of Wonder and Princess Suntar of the Unseelie Court were conspiring to close the portal to the mortal realm. They attempted to recruit the House of the Wing for this by offering to marry them, while unknowing of Squak and Chirp's conflict of interest. This plot was foiled, and honestly failed at every step of the way.
- According to BINX, the last weaver of the Court of Wonder stayed too long in the Material Plane, and is now trapped there. He ended up being turned into a "nice" tree. Though there is a chance that Surena misspoke and meant to say the last weaver of the court of craft as the leading position in the court of craft is referred to as the weaver of fate.