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Mystery Sillouette2
This article is about the anarchist halfling family from Fantasy High, Fantasy High: Sophomore Year, and The Seven, The Cubbys.
For the article about the student from Bram University from Shriek Week, see Cubey.

"Listen here's the thing – I don't know what you kids are up to, but I do know one thing: laws are threats made by the dominant socio-economic, ethnic group in a given nation. It's just a promise of violence that's enacted and police are basically an occupying army, you know what I mean? You guys want to make some bacon?" ― Bud Cubby to The Bad Kids

The Cubbys are a family of openly political halflings that help the Bad Kids after their encounter with Johnny Spells.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring The Cubbys
Fantasy High
Fantasy High: Sophomore Year
The Seven
Fantasy High: Junior Year
Time Quangle

Fantasy High[]

Rumble Road[]

When The Bad Kids are fighting Johnny Spells' Gang on the highway, they come up to an intersection and one of the tiefling greasers, Billy Hellmouth, slams into The Cubbys' car while they are on their way to get ice cream. Bud Cubby is said to have a thing on his foot to help him reach the pedal and something to help him see out of the back window. They are uninjured in the crash and return happily eating their ice cream. They then offer to take The Bad Kids to Basrar's Soda Fountain for double ice cream. Bud comments on "how these kids are doing drugs" in relation to the crash and lectures Fabian about getting a helmet for safety on the Hangman.

The Pixie and the Palimpsest[]

The Cubbys bring the group to Basrar's Soda Fountain and pay for the group's second ice cream of the day. They have a deep conversation about contacting the police about the palimpsest they have and power within the system and are described as "Anarcho-Socialists" however still being law abiding citizens. The Bad Kids learn the Cubby children all go to Mumple School and that Bud works as a postal worker while Daisy Cubby works at Krom's Diner on the highway as a waitress.

Family in Flames[]

After The Bad Kids being imprisoned for months, Bud, who was contacted by The Hangman, breaks them out of jail along with several other halflings in ski masks as a rebellion against the police. He gets into the police station by pretending to just be doing his postal worker duties but quickly turns, pulling a lit Molotov cocktail out of his mail bag and opening fire against the entire precinct.

Fantasy High: Sophomore Year[]

The Seven[]


  • In college Bud was a staunch "Direct Action Only" guy, but on their first date Daisy pointed out that creating a false dichotomy between electoral engagement and direct action "plays into the hands of our overlords". [1]


Fantasy High Characters
Player Characters Fabian Aramais Seacaster | Kristen Applebees | Gorgug Thistlespring | Adaine Abernant | Riz Gukgak | Figueroth Faeth | Hargis | Ficus
PC Families Seacaster Manor William Seacaster | Hallariel Seacaster | Cathilda Ceíli
Applebees Residence Mac and Donna Applebees | Bucky Applebees | Bricker and Cork Applebees
Thistlespring Tree Wilma and Digby Thistlespring | Gorbag | Roz
Abernant Home Angwyn Abernant | Arianwen Abernant | Aelwyn Abernant
Gukgak Home Sklonda Gukgak | Pok Gukgak
Faeth Home Sandra Lynn Faeth | Gilear Faeth | Gorthalax the Insatiable | Baxter
Faculty Arthur Aguefort | Goldenhoard | Mr. Gibbons | Doreen | Jace Stardiamond | Porter Cliffbreaker | Coach Daybreak | Jawbone O'Shaughnessey | Maugly Dimweather | Corsica Jones | Fatima al-Aydaa | Ellarian Fallowglade | Mr. Pepper
Students Penelope Everpetal | Dayne Blayde | Ragh Barkrock | Zayn Darkshadow | Sam Nightingale | Penny Luckstone | Ostentatia Wallace | Biz Glitterdew | Skrank Douglas | Shellford Turtleperson | Zelda Donovan | Katja Cleaver | Danielle Barkstock | Antiope Jones | Max Durden | Jem Peppercorn | Torek Railgrinder | Carie Zatrial | Cody
Other Deities Sol | Helio | YES!/YES? | Galicaea | Suspicious Vulture
& Monsters
Corn Ooze & Corn Cuties | Johnny Spells | Johnny Spells's Gang | DJ Brainzz | Sasha, Lord of Whispers | Marrow | Alston Hughes | Crush | Owlbear | Frisbee Man/Sand Demon | Angela Worrel | Kalvaxus | The Nightmare King | Occularia | The Party Fouls
Misc Herzon | Dusty | Yandi | The Hangman | The Cubbys | Basrar | Tracker O'Shaughnessey | Sylvester | Edgar | Sexy Rat | Philosophers | Madam Silvaine | Little Gilear | Percival Nevelsvine | Pastor Amelia | Bubble Glitterdew | Dr. Asha | The Tornado | Rodolfo | Frank Dunford
Fantasy High: Sophomore Year Characters
Player Characters Fabian Aramais Seacaster | Kristen Applebees | Gorgug Thistlespring | Adaine Abernant | Riz Gukgak | Figueroth Faeth
Elmville PC Families William Seacaster | Hallariel Seacaster | Cathilda Ceíli | Wilma and Digby Thistlespring | Angwyn Abernant | Arianwen Abernant | Aelwyn Abernant | Sklonda Gukgak | Pok Gukgak | Sandra Lynn Faeth | Gilear Faeth | Gorthalax the Insatiable | Jawbone O'Shaughnessey | Mac and Donna Applebees | Bucky Applebees | Bricker and Cork Applebees
Ragh Barkrock | Tracker O'Shaughnessey | The Hangman | The Hangvan | Boggy the Froggy | Baxter | Wretchrot
Other Bud Cubby | Gulsom | Zayn Darkshadow | Edgar | Arthur Aguefort | Lola Embers | Zelda Donovan | Ostentatia Wallace | Danielle Barkstock | Katja Cleaver | Antiope Jones | Penny Luckstone | Sam Nightingale | Skrank Douglas | Shellford Turtleperson | Torek Railgrinder | Basrar | Porter Cliffbreaker | Dr. Asha | Jace Stardiamond | Baron from the Baronies | Craig | Lydia Barkrock
Bastion City Detective Decker | Runce Buggins | Zaphriel
Leviathan Jamina Joy | Alistair Ash | Garthy O'Brien | Captain James Whitclaw | Cult of Old Bill | Chungledown Bim | Creaky McBarrel | Old Young Benjamin | Rawlins | Ayda Aguefort | Garthy and Adaine the Fish
Fallinel Telemaine Lomenelda | Vanleliel | Fathethriel | Court of Stars | Kir
Arborly Grover Tillythatch | Grafmy Rootdrinker | Nuathera | Mira Silverbow | Killian | Gnomish Tinkerers
Hell Vraz the Mean | Kaistrana the Chained | Lorzug the Impaled | Blozo the Undiminished | The Goldenrod | Johnny Spells and his gang | Coach Daybreak | Penelope Everpetal | Dayne Blayde
Heaven Lower Planar Reconnaissance Task Force | Fitz | Isosceles
Sylvaire The Nightmare King | Kalina | The Great Unicorn | Landrin Lier | Court of Elders | Sexy Rat
Astral State
Chesca Ord'ur'cron | Crytus Triplehead | Gregg | Jathriss Weirdingblade | Threev Womlingbuzz
Deities Sol | Helio | YES!/YES? | Galicaea | Cassandra
Extraplanar Entities The Night Yorb
The Seven Characters
Player Characters Katja Cleaver | Ostentatia Wallace | Sam Nightingale | Antiope Jones | Penny Luckstone | Danielle Barkstock | Zelda Donovan
Elmville "Animal"
Cinnamon | Candyheart | Strawberry Dancer | Alagonia | Starforge | Taffodil | Snowfire | Sebastian | Nutmeg | Koda
PC Families Ajax, Prospero, and Ulysses Jones | Hector and Athena Jones | Holly | Winona Barksdale | Alyria Hempstock | Luckstone Children | Chenzo | Hector and Athena Jones | Bonnie and Danny Luckstone | Nonna | Lucia Wallace | Carmine Wallace | Karl Cleaver | Jana Cleaver | Corsica Jones | Camille Brine | Gideon Everpetal | Rebecca Everpetal
Gorgug Thistlespring | Riz Gukgak | Adaine Abernant | Fig Faeth | Arthur Aguefort | Gilear Faeth | Jawbone O'Shaughnessey | Penelope Everpetal
Misc Sandra Lynn Faeth | Johnny Spells | Gertrude | Lockwood | Bud Cubby
Bastion City Charity Blythe | Morris | Joseph | Preston | Lola Embers
The Mountains of Chaos Kalvaxus | Mordreth | Harpy Queen | Kurraghran | Ether Beasts | Asha Hammerheart | Yvonna of the Sundering Hills | Kora Ironbrow
The Baronies Talcidimir Tallbreeze | Dunston Tallbreeze | Sean | Michel Parnassus | Coeliabranca | Lysander Higgins | Lawrence LaDuc | Princess Autumn of the House of Cuccochio
Other Deities Logran Soulforger
The Eidolons Talura | Anima | Chronoa | Nera | Zefira | Terra | Pyrria
Misc Tectonya Karkovnya | Laertes Astrindarius