Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki
Are you my dad? Am I my OWN dad!?
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Description; History

The Dressing Room is a walk-in closet connected to the Master Bedroom of Loam Hall where Ambrose Harding, the Squire Badger's valet, dresses him each day.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring the Secret Study
Mice & Murder



Mice & Murder Locations
Tufting Meadows Loam Hall First Floor The Entrance Hall | The Ballroom | The Servants' Quarters | The Kitchen | The Elevator | The Dining Room | The Drawing Room | The Study | The Bathroom
Second Floor The Leisure Room | The Séance Room | The Secret Study | The Library | Mrs. Molesly's Bedroom | Squire Badger's Bedroom | The Bathroom | The Dressing Room
Other The Tower | The Basement | The Wine Cellar | The Oubliette
Other Our Lady of Prayerful Paws | The Docks
Other 22B Hampstead Street | Reichenbunny Falls
