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This article is about the event, The Grand Tournament. |
For the article about the A Crown of Candy episode, see The Grand Tournament (A Crown of Candy). |
The Grand Tournament is a tournament that takes place when the Concordant Emperor needs to name an heir to the throne.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring the Grand Tourney |
A Crown of Candy
The Grand Tournament takes place in the capital of Calorum, Comida. It consists of a great feast held as the participant arrives, and the next day, three different skill tests. They take place concurrently, so only one event may be entered per person. The winner of each event is awarded a very valuable prize, though not material in nature.
From the way King Amethar talks about the Tourney, it appears that tournaments are a relatively common occurrence in Calorum, though this one is different, as it determines the next Concordant Emperor. Hence the "Grand" in the name.
The melee event entails four participants engaging in melee combat within a fenced-off area. The last man standing is the winner. Leaving the fenced off battle area constitutes a forfeit.
The winner receives a boon from the Emperor himself. They may request anything of him, and he must fill it to the best of his ability.
The archery event entails four participants shooting at targets from a distance with a bow or crossbow. The closest shot to the bulls-eye wins.
The winner receives a position in the Imperial Court as the Master of Arrows, and serves as a close advisor to the Emperor for as long as they may live.
The jousting event entails two participants riding chariots pulled by creatures native to their own nation, driving in circles on an elongated oval track. They must attempt to knock each other off their chariots, and the one who manages this is the winner.
The winner receives the ability to nominate anyone they wish for the Emperor to consider as a candidate for being his successor. This nominee can be literally anyone, from any nation and any social standing, and they will be added to be considered. Should the Emperor decide that none of the candidates are fit to succeed him, the winner of the joust is then eligible to take part in the Concordant Council in voting for the next Emperor.
Melee #1[]
- King Amethar (forfeit)
- Scravoya Myaso (forfeit)
- Sir Keradin Deeproot (forfeit)
- Ceresian Gladiator (forfeit)
Melee #2[]
- Princess Jet Rocks (conceded mid-match)
- Commander Constano Grissini (forfeit)
- Sir Bonathan (forfeit)
The Grand Tournament is held when the health of the current Concordant Emperor, Gustavo Uvano, sharply declines. He calls on the leaders of each of the six nations to travel to Comida and attend, as one may not be named successor if they are not physically present. Even in his weakened state, Gustavo personally writes to King Amethar of House Rocks in Candia to request his attendance, as he most likely intends to choose Amethar as his heir. Amethar, along with his daughters, the Princesses Jet and Ruby, two of his advisors, Sir Theobald Gumbar and Chancellor Lapin Cadbury, and his ward, Liam Wilhelmina, travel together to Comida to take part in the Tournament.
The night before, on the 30th of Highbright, an enormous feast is held in the Cornucopian Hall. Food from every nation is served, and citizens mingle and socialize. At the end of the night, event signups are held. Ruby and Liam both sign up for the archery event, and Jet and Amethar sign up for the melee event. Theobald signs up to participate in the joust, and Lapin decides to sit out.
The next morning, on the 1st of Brightdusk, the Tournament begins.