Are you my dad? Am I my OWN dad!? | |
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"Did you trap a Dutch woman down here? What's going on?" ― Kingston Brown upon meeting the Dragon
The Great Dragon of Bleecker Street is an enormous dragon living in the City Hall Subway Station.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring the Great Dragon |
The Unsleeping City
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II
The Great Dragon of Bleecker Street is a massive serpentine dragon with pearl white scales mixed with azure blue and emerald green. He has long, catfish-like whiskers, and both a furry beard and drooping mustache. He has six horns on his head, which is the size of a taxi cab and looks both draconian as well as canine. His eyes are feline-like. He has about eight different limbs with massive claws, spread out few and far between along his enormous body.
He has the ability to change his size at will, and can shrink to at least the size of a tiger.
In 1994, as he was dying, he summoned Kingston Brown to the City Hall Station in order to make him the new Vox Populi. He gifted Kingston the Eternal Token and explained the nature of the Unsleeping City.