The House of the Wing is the only major family left without a court in Faerie. The patriarch of the family is Grandfather, who invented birds.
Due to Squak and Chirp's (referred to collectively as The Lords of the Wing) misdeeds in previous Blooms, the House's reputation is sinking, and their Grandfather instructed them that they were to act appropriately and secure good political matches in order to save their House. Grandfather also doesn't allow his grandchildren to visit the Material Plane, and gets angry when they make bird puns in his presence. He at one point threatened to eat them.
The three of them live in a giant nest in the sky alongside all their birds.
Lords of the Wing[]
- African Greys
- Doves (Some of whom are in love)
- Flamingos
- Magpies
- Ostriches
- Peacocks (including one overfed peacock)
- Pelicans
- One Overheated Penguin
- Ravens (including one raven the size and shape of a flamingo)
- Vultures
Relationships with Courts[]
- Grandfather looks down on those "below the branch".
- The Queen of Air and Darkness of the Unseelie Court openly despises the Lords of the Wing, as she believes they stole the idea of birds from bats.
- Squak briefly courted Baroness Alven of the Seafoam Court, Theodore of the Court of Hoof and Claw, and Apollo of the Court of Wonder.
- Chirp briefly courted Princess Suntar of the Unseelie Court.
- Chirp and Squak are good friends with Delloso de la Rue, formerly of the Court of Wonder, Major K. P. Hob, formerly of the Goblin Court, BINX Choppley of the Court of Craft, and Prince Andhera, dual citizen of the Court of Craft and the Unseelie Court.
- Chirp and Squak hold a standing invitation to both the Unseelie Court and the Court of Craft.