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The Mystery of the Haunted Subway is the third episode of season 7, The Unsleeping City: Chapter II.
"Happy Halloween for indeed it is all hallows eve. In the great city of New York, and on the hustling and bustling subways. All know the fanfare and revelry of the big apple during Halloween. Yes, many go out in their sexy versions of normal uniforms and costumes and some really artsy people do things that you like, wow, that's really an incredible piece of art. Like that's a mechanical wonder like, I knew a guy one time who just went as a chair and he had a stool built into the costume and when he sat down, it just was like a chair in the street. So that's pretty cool. You could sit on him while he was sitting on himself."
"Such wonders await in the Unsleeping City, where our intrepid heroes leaped onto the back of a rattling A train bound north for one final terrifying destination. The end of the line, as the conductor of the train announced over the squeaking PA in a ruined cockpit at one end of the train, you open the doors to see a crowded subway car filled with people in costume. There's a pirate and a superhero and a dracula and other various things but those. But those were not the people that you had to worry about. Because indeed, it was the people not in costume. Some, you know people on their way to some dreary event or other commuters people working the grind people in the rat race, just standing slack jaw lackadaisical, not moving further into the subway car, an act of pure malice, manifested by the presence of antipopuli, pure misanthropy in spiritual form that seems to have suffused every inch of this terrifying runaway subway car."
In the transformed train car, the group prepares to fight the zombies. Pete is the first to act. He successfully deanimates one of the zombies by using the Dismissal feature of the spell Dispel Evil and Good and separates the Antipopuli from the New Yorker it is attached to. Kingston charges past Pete and successfully eliminates three more zombies, leaving only one more zombie in the train car who dashes towards Kingston. Cody meets Kingston and fails to possess the zombie.
Sofia moves past the whole group and moves into the next train car, seeing a family of ghosts. She moves further into the train, sustaining an opportunity attack. She attacks another one of the ghosts. In the other train car, several skeletons appear and attack Kingston.
Ricky and Ox rush to Kingston’s aid. Ricky approaches one skeleton and smites it. Iga attacks the last zombie. Pete carefully casts Fireball, fully killing all of the remaining creatures in the first train car.
As the group moves into the next car, Cody compels one of the ghosts to duel with him. The ghost tries to possess Cody and fails but the ghost’s scream ages him 20 years. Sofia casts Silence. Ricky critically smites a ghost, but leaves it standing. Iga successfully suggests that a ghost should leave. Pete banishes two ghosts to Nod.
Kingston, realizing they don’t have much time left, rushes into the next car. He sees that a messy eater in the car transforms into a werewolf. Cody critically smites and destroys one of the ghosts. He throws a ninja star at the werewolf in the next car. Sofia rushes into the next car, seeing two vampires and Dracula. She rushes past them into the fifth car, where a man who brought his bicycle onto the subway has transformed into the Headless Horseman.
Back in the third car, the werewolf attacks Kingston. In the fifth car, the Headless Horseman misses his attack on Sofia. Once again, back in the third car, Ricky and Iga hold their turns for Pete to case Haste on Ox, breaking his banishment concentration on the ghosts. Ricky convinces the werewolf to stop fighting using Calm Emotions while he runs alongside Ox, who is carrying Iga, as far as they can go into the seventh car.
As Ricky, Iga, and Ox enter the seventh car, they see that backpacks are strewn everywhere. The backpacks transform into spiders. They continue to race through. Ricky gets hit by the spiders as they race into the eighth car.
In the eighth car they see a woman who has commandeered multiple seats with her belongings. She transforms into a witch. Iga grabs Ricky and teleports the both of them into the ninth car.
When they enter into the ninth car, they see a manspreader in the car transform into Frankenstein’s Monster. The engineer is revealed to be Dr. Frankenstein. The witch enters the ninth car and critically attacks Iga. Ricky kills the witch with his Rebuke the Violent ability.
Further back in the train; Kingston attacks the vampires, killing them all. Cody attacks the ghosts, killing one and bringing the last one close to death. Sofia rushes onto the roof of the subway and runs forward where Frankenstein’s Monster meets her to battle. The final ghost tries to scream at Cody, but is not heard due to Sofia’s silence spell. The Headless Horseman charges at Kingston and Pete.
Up in the front car, Ricky and Ox charge the mad scientist. Ox knocks him prone while Ricky stops the train.
As the train stops, all of the Antipopuli on the train fade back into civilians of New York. As the members of the Dream Team get off the subway, Pete notices the Umbral Arcana flowing away and gets the feeling that dreams aren’t voluntarily leaving Nod, but seem to be fleeing.
Sofia and Pete agree to talk about restoring the Umbral Arcana. Cody asks for help to restore him back to his normal age, and the last bits of Umbral Arcana seep into Madame Anastasia’s heirloom box.
- New York Subway