The Party Fouls are a group of five ancient spirits that come from the same region of the world as Zelda Donovan and her family. Their sole purpose is to destroy partying forever.
The Party Fouls embody the aspects of "bad partying" behavior. These mainly refer to people who try to impress others by doing pointless and dangerous stunts, spread gossip about others under the influence of alcohol, go to a crowded party and expecting to be left alone, hog the playlist and not letting others play music they want and act sloppily while drunk.
- Gorgon of Shade
- Minotaur of Stunts
- Centaur of Sloppiness
- Harpy of Songs
- Sphinx of Solitude
These spirits were brought forth to Zelda's rager when Ficus picked up a small pentagram charm that had on its back written in ancient Sylvan which reads "The Five Fouls" in old druidic runes.
They were defeated by The Bad Kids through various different means:
- Minotaur of Stunts: Killed by Ficus turning into a horse whilst inside his body
- Gorgon of Shade: Killed by Fig poly-morphing her into a dolphin
- Sphinx of Solitude: Killed by Adaine making a truly terrible pun
- Harpy of Songs: Killed by Gorgug beheading her
- Centaur of Sloppiness: Killed by Kristen banishing him to a realm of comfort-ability