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Dimension 20 Wiki
Warning!! Spoilers ahead!!
This page contains major plot spoilers! If you have not seen up to Episode 9 of The Unsleeping City: Chapter II, proceed at your own risk.

"Fear, fear is necessary for acts of bravery. Do what you must. Worry not about your chances of success." ― Questing Blade to Ricky Matsui

The Questing Blade, also called the Thirsting Blade, is a magical weapon that can take many forms depending on its wielder. It took the form of a fireman's axe when it presented itself to Ricky Matsui after he rescued the wizards of Clinton Hill Chantry from a fire.


The Questing Blade is a powerful and important weapon across history. It presents itself in different forms to suit the hero it chooses. When wielded by Ricky, it resembles a glowing red fireman's axe. After defeating the American Dream, Ricky passed the blade to Dale Lee, which caused it to change into a pair of nun-chucks.

Offended that Ricky would give it away without saying goodbye, when Dale returned the blade to Sofia Lee, it chooses Cody Walsh as its next hero, transforming into an enormous greatsword. Later, at the Metropolitan Museum of Memories, Cody pulls a sword from the stone at the back corner of the arms and armor exhibit and it melds with the Questing Blade to become a double-bladed hybrid sword.


  • Can communicate telepathically with wielder
  • Can cast Suggestion at 2nd level as an action once per long rest
  • Create or Destroy Water is added to wielder's list of spells
  • The Sacrifice can add 10d10 radiant damage to a single attack but you take the entire attacks worth of damage on yourself, and you need to make a dc 15 con save or die.


As of Borough of Dreams, the questing blade can speak telepathically to Ricky.

In Times Squaremageddon Pt. 2, before Ricky is revivified by Kingston, he gives the questing blade to Dale Lee in Heaven. The blade turns into nunchucks in Dale's Hands, and allows him to beat up the angels and escape from heaven to see Sofia.
