Dimension 20 Wiki
Dimension 20 Wiki

Names are hard. Here are some pictures and quick explanations to jog your memory. 


PameliaRocksNPC Queen Pamelia Rocks
Fruit (Blackberry) - Deceased
Queen of Candia.
PrincessCitrinaNPC Saint Citrina Rocks
Candy (Lemon Drop) - Deceased
Cleric of the Bulb and Princess of Candia. One of Amethar's older sisters and second youngest sister of House Rocks.
RococoaNPC RW General Rococoa Rocks
Candy (Chocolate) - Deceased
Crown Princess of Candia. One of Amethar's older sisters and oldest of House Rocks.
AmetharNPC Prince Amethar Rocks
Rock Candy - Alive
Fierce warrior and Prince of Candia. Youngest of House Rocks and the last in line for the throne.


ChutneyNPC Chutney
Chutney - Deceased
Queen Amangeaux Epicée du Peche's lady in waiting.
JacquesTomateNPC Count Jacques Tomaté
Fruit (Tomato) - Deceased
Fructeran noble who fought to inherit the Vegetanian throne.
GustavoUvanoRW Gustavo Uvano
Fruit (Grape) - Alive (as of The Ravening War)
Leader of Fructera.
Ludos Whitespear
Vegetable (Asparagus) - Alive
Vegetanian who was adopted and raised in the Dairy Islands, now works as a dock master in Comida.
Fruit (Banana) - Alive
Child of the Banana man that was killed during the ambush on the Glucian Road.


BelizabethBrassicaNPC Bishop Belizabeth Brassica
Vegetable (Broccoli) - Alive
CamilleColliflourNPC Archbishop Camille Colliflour
Vegetable (Cauliflower) - Alive
Primogen of the Bulbian Church.
AlliumGoldringNPC Sir Allium Goldring
Vegetable (Onion Ring) - Alive
Knight of Vegetania.
Sir Drunon
Vegetable (Eggplant) - Deceased
Powerful but terrible Vegetanian knight.
Sister Ryely Underbake
Vegetable (Kale) - Alive
Friend and member of Bishop Raphaniel's network. A holy woman of the Bulbian Church
Ja'Cru Dite
Vegetable - Deceased
Powerful spymaster that employed Karna, and was eventually replaced by her.
King Arthur Cardoon
Vegetable - Deceased
Late king of Vegetania and husband of Queen Amangeaux Epicée du Peche.
Lady Wedgla of House Iceberg
Vegetable (Iceberg Lettuce) - Alive
Vegetanian noblewoman.
Lord Belvedere Cabbage
Vegetable (Cabbage) - Alive
Nobleman of Vegetania who denounces Jacques Tomaté's claim to the throne.


EnzoCarbanoNPC Senator Enzo Carbano
Pasta (Carbonara) - Alive
Member of the Ceresian Senate and grandfather of Delissandro.
ArianaGemelliNPC Senator Ariana Gemelli
Pasta (Gemelli) - Alive
Member of the Ceresian Senate.
Senator Focaccia
Bread (Focaccia) - Alive
Member of the Ceresian Senate.

The Meat Lands[]

Cleva Chieftess Cleva Katzon
Meat (Rib Eye Steak) - Alive
Leader of the Beef Clan and Thane Delissandro Katzon's mother.
SirleyHaigNPC Sirley Haig
Meat (Cooked Brisket) - Alive
Haunchman of The Beef Clans and a close friend of Thane Delissandro Katzon.
BashaMyasoNPC Basha Myaso
Meat - Alive
Up and coming warlord Thane Delissandro Katzon is established as the leader of The Meat Lands after the murder of Princess Sapphria of House Rocks.

The Dairy Islands[]

TarthurCheddarNPC Prince Tarthur Cheddar
Cheese (Cheddar) - Alive
Monarch of The Dairy Islands.
Colton Gouda
Cheese (Gouda)
Dairy Islander brought to escort Chieftess Cleva Katzon to Comida.
Manta Ray Jack
Cheese (Monterey Jack) - Alive
Fights alongside Prince Amethar in the Battle of Pangranos.
Lucas Fontina
Cheese (Fontina) - Deceased
Colin Provolone's grandfather, tried to overthrow the royal family of The Dairy Islands. He failed, and was executed by melting.

The Fellowship of Destiny's Architects[]

DarrenQuicheiNPC Darren “Dishless” Quichéi
Quiche - Deceased
Noted mercenary.
BiscuitFDA Flakey Smuthers
Biscuit - Deceased
Member of the Fellowship who was working in Saprophus under Pangranos.
LeekFDA Porrum
Vegetable (Leek) - Deceased
Spymaster operating in Fructera and a member of the Fellowship.
AaronFontina Aaron Fontina
Cheese (Fontina) - Deceased
Colin Provolone's father, made son steal and cheat as he spent his days as an alcoholic. Believed by Colin to be executed by melting.