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Description; History

The Secret Study is a secret room hidden on the second floor of Loam Hall. It is where Squire William Thornwall Brockhollow actually conducts business and stores important documents, instead of the Study on the first floor.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring the Secret Study
Mice & Murder



Mice & Murder Locations
Tufting Meadows Loam Hall First Floor The Entrance Hall | The Ballroom | The Servants' Quarters | The Kitchen | The Elevator | The Dining Room | The Drawing Room | The Study | The Bathroom
Second Floor The Leisure Room | The Séance Room | The Secret Study | The Library | Mrs. Molesly's Bedroom | Squire Badger's Bedroom | The Bathroom | The Dressing Room
Other The Tower | The Basement | The Wine Cellar | The Oubliette
Other Our Lady of Prayerful Paws | The Docks
Other 22B Hampstead Street | Reichenbunny Falls
