The Snow Queen is a powerful witch and the queen of Snowhold.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes Featuring The Snow Queen |
The Snow Queen is an extremely powerful witch and the queen of Snowhold. She has icy-blue skin and long white hair, along with a muscular build and very broad shoulders. She wore either black or white fur-lined dresses despite that fact she cannot feel the cold on account of being made of ice. The Snow Queen was awakened to the nature of the Neverafter and even knew about the Lines Between, along with True Books and the Authors.
The Snow Queen for a time was acting on the wishes of the members of the Council of Kings, namely the Tzar of Snowhold. Her forces attacked Greenleigh, sparking war between the two nations, and also destroyed the kingdom of Marienne after the king, Tomas, refused to join the council. She is also trusted by the fairies, enough so that she knows their secret locations in the Neverafter.
The Times of Shadow[]
When first introduced to Princess Elody, she is speaking with one of her military captains about battle plans regarding the Snow Queen's forces moving against Greenleigh.
Daughters of the Crown[]
Upon returning to Snowhold with Mira and Destiny's Children learn that the Princesses have killed the Snow Queen and taken over her castle in order to access the information in the library. The Princesses tell Destiny's Children that they offered the Snow Queen mercy and she refused, giving them no choice but to kill her. Her library contains many True Books, revealing she knew the true nature of the Neverafter. Her closet also contains many fine fur-lined dresses, which Snow White, Cinderella, and Rosamund try on. In the dress up montage, Rosamund sees that the Snow Queen's crowned decapitated head has been placed on her own balcony.
- The Snow Queen has a singular pink dress (The rest are black and white.) that has the tags still on, and smells as though it was just left in the back of the closet and never worn. Cinderella muses that the thought that the Snow Queen couldn't pull it off is what caused her heart to become cold. Rosamund ends up taking it for herself, Snow White saying that, or all the furs, it looks the best.