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"That Tornado was extremely slow by the end of those five missions, it was so stuffed with gold." ― Bill Seacaster
The Tornado was a part of Bill Seacaster's privateer crew, having served on approximately five missions and collected significant wealth.
Featured Episodes[]
Episodes featuring Tornado |
Fantasy High
Fantasy High: Junior Year
The Tornado is an air elemental full of the coins and riches that it's amassed over the years.
Freshman Year[]
Due to its form, every time it got richer, it became significantly more deadly. It remains a close friend of the family, having appeared at Fabian's third birthday party. In the epilogue of the series, he is seen attending Bill Seacaster's funeral and destroying the roof of the church.
Junior Year[]
Fabian summons Uncle Ray to help him move Seacaster Manor back to it's original location in Downtown Elmville after it was displaced by the Rat Grinders.