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Dimension 20 Wiki

The Wavemaster is the head of the Seafoam Court.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring The Wavemaster
A Court of Fey and Flowers



The Wavemaster is very hospitable and loves to impress. They seem to be quite cheeky and creative and almost threatening, creating a bird out of water to warn the Lords of the Wing about not flying, rather than specifically saying that.


The Wavemaster is a tall and femme-shaped sentient wave. Their voice sounds like water running off the back of rocks and moving into the surf. They are wave made flesh and form, and as such their facial expressions are inscrutable and it is easier to read their body language.




The Wavemaster is single.

Delloso de la Rue[]

After hearing the rumours that the Seafoam Court were unhappy with their credit for the Bloom, Rue wrote a letter asking to meet to discuss their thoughts on the Bloom, to which the Wavemaster agreed.

A Court of Fey & Flowers Characters
Player Characters Prince Andhera | BINX Choppley | Lady Chirp Featherfowl | Delloso de la Rue | Gwyndolin Thistle-hop | Major K. P. Hob | Lord Squak Airavis
Animal Companions Grandpa Dog | Mucky | Wrackingspelt
The Goblin Court The Goblin King | Viscountess Grabalba | Scorple
Lord Blemish and Lady Boil | Captain Gorebladder | Ustain Bolt
The Court of Hoof and Claw Theodore
The Seafoam Court Baroness Alven | Ephendra | Kiri | Sorwen | The Wavemaster
The Seelie Court King Oberon | Lady Sylmenar
The Court of Stone Jarl Korguf | Claete | Ruyin
The Unseelie Court The Queen of Air and Darkness | Advisor | Princess Suntar
The House of the Wing Grandfather | Gobble | Caw
The Court of Wonder Prince Apollo | The Blue Fairy | Wuvvy | The Chorus
The Trickster Court Fable
Unknown Courts Capacea | Leona and Thymor | The Hedge Maze
The Material Plane Mika | Scratch | Wannessa | Esmé | Peep | Jeremy Renner
