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Description; Background; History

The Wurst, previously known as The Red Hot, is an old mess freighter, currently captained by Skip disguised as Norman Takamori and co-owned by Margaret Encino, Gunnie Miggles-Rashbax, Sundry Sidney, Big Barry Syx and Riva.

Quick Answers

Who are the co-owners of The Wurst in Dimension 20 Starstruck Odyssey? toggle section
In Dimension 20 Starstruck Odyssey, The Wurst is an aged ship formerly part of the Americadian Space Brigade mass freighters. It was bought by Norman Takamori. The crew operates with a shared bank account and one corporate card.
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What is the unique shape of The Wurst freighter ship? toggle section
The Wurst, an active, repurposed mess freighter, is distinctively shaped like a hot dog. Formerly known as The Red Hot, it served in the Americadian Space Brigade mass freighters. Its interior comprises gunner stations, crew and captains' quarters, a lunch hall, and an engine room, along with a water-filled pipe and tank system.
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Who is the current captain of The Wurst and what is his disguise? toggle section
Skip, under the disguise of Norman Takamori, is the current captain of The Wurst, a repurposed Mess Freighter from the Dimension 20 Starstruck Odyssey campaign. The crew includes various members, with Riva, an Aguatunisian (Kalashtar), previously serving as the Communications Officer.
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Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring the Red Hot
A Starstruck Odyssey


The Wurst is a large freighter ship shaped like a hot dog. The inner layout of the ship contains the gunner stations, crew's quarters, the captains' quarters, a lunch hall, and the engine room. Additionally, The Wurst features a system of pipes and tanks filled with water that allow Riva to traverse the ship. The lower deck of the ship has been rented out to Jib-Job as an office space for their employees. That and Margaret Encino, who previously rented out their escape pod as an office and living space, is the Wurst's main form of income.


The Red Hot was a former lunch freighter that was purchased by Norman Takamori after cashing out his pension.


Prior to being purchased by Norman Takamori, The Wurst served in a since-discontinued line of Americadian Space Brigade mass freighters, presumably for quite some time given that it is described as old during the first introduction to the ship.


  • The crew has a shared bank account with only one corporate card.
  • The ship shares its former name with a hot dog stand featured in the Starstruck comics, Episode 11 "Liar's Poker."
A Starstruck Odyssey Locations
Ships The Wurst | The Lady Pike | The Bad Call | The Harpy
Planets Lavada Más Vegas Kubla-Cola Gladiatorial Arena
New Texas Baustin Plug's Butt-Ugly Stuff Hut | Swallop's Slop and Gravy Bucket | Jackalope Ridge
Rubian Rubian V Madrugada Station | The Drone's Throne
Hon Grii Hon Ober Uncle Bob's Fantanimalland
Rec Station 97 Blue Heaven The Obfusion Arms
Misc. The Brigader's Bier | The Dome | Vale of Tiers
Misc. Griivarr Worlds | Martini Nebula | Myrmidon Station | Shriagmaus | The Emerald Comet