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The Throgs Neck Colony Ants are a hostile force that threatens the Monastery of the Sacred Rat. The ants are first mentioned in the sources when the cockroach monks of the monastery spot them approaching and exclaim, "Oh no! They're here! We've been discovered… The thing every insect has to watch out for the most: Ants! You don't want to get ants!".

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring the Throgs Neck Colony Ants
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II


The ants seem to be very obedient to their queen. An ant commander shouts, "Monks of the Monastery of the Sacred Rat, you are hereby ordered to subject yourselves to the rule of her Rightful Queen of the Throgs Neck Colony, Her Majesty!".


The ants are organized and warlike. They have ranks like "legionnaires" and "centurions" and employ military equipment including a "mustard battering ram" and "ketchupults".

The ants are extremely ruthless. When one of their own centurions is stunned, the other ants "ruthlessly and remorselessly torch their own centurion, squeeze the bottle, and blast" Sofia and two cockroaches with mustard.

The ants can be persuaded to retreat. After Pete casts a powerful Cone of Cold spell that kills many of the ants, Iga succeeds on a natural 20 Intimidation check. As a result, "the ants begin to sound a retreat" and "The battle is concluded".


The Throgs Neck Colony is located in a real place. When Zac, the player of Ricky Matsui, asks if the ants are from "The Frog's Neck," Brennan, the Dungeon Master, replies, "Throgs Neck, not a fantasy name, a real New York name of a place". Throgs Neck is a neighbourhood in the borough of the Bronx.
