Twice Upon a Time is the status a character in a realm of story reaches once they become aware that they are a story.
Twice Upon a Time is the status a character in a realm of story reaches once they become aware that they are a story, which allows them to move between versions of their stories. There are varying degrees of this, having free-will to move between stories at any time, moving between stories after death, or simply having been awakened with the knowledge of being a story.
The term "Twice Upon a Time" was coined by Glossary, a librarian in The Lines Between. Characters awoken to their Twice Upon a Time were studied by a staff member of The Lines Between who is no longer present.
Ylfa Snorgelsson & Peter, the Baron of Bricks[]
Both Ylfa and Peter partook of the Big Bad Wolf's flesh, who himself is a primordial being in The Neverafter, awakening them both. Ylfa though, did not fully understand the nature of The Neverafter until coming into contact with Mother Timothy Goose's book, and after dying, speaking with the Wolf in The Inbetween.
Timothy's Book[]
Mother Timothy Goose's planeswalker tome is responsible for awakening the party and all those that come into contact with it, including Little Miss Muffet and the Itsy Bitsy Spider. The book was granted to Timothy by The Gander.
All fairies know the nature of The Neverafter, as tools of the stories, they wield The Authors' magic. They, unlike most awoken beings, have the ability to move throughout any story they choose at any time. Though they can be stopped, such as when the Fairy Godmother was stuck in her undead form by the glass shard of Cinderella's slipper, which forced her to remain in the story she was currently part of.
Cat, Fox, & Rabbit[]
Puss in Boots, along with Fox and Rabbit are three trickster spirits that move throughout The Neverafter, bringing change and chaos. When they choose, one or more of them may enter a version of The Neverafter. After dying the three spirits convene in The Inbetween to choose who will be sent next. When alive in the stories, the animals do not know of their spirit nature, though Pib with the help of Timothy's book, does.
The Stepmother[]
The Stepmother was awoken to her Twice Upon a Time by Baba Yaga in return for a favor. Upon entering The Inbetween, The Stepmother began eating other stories instead of returning to The Neverafter. She is now present within The Lines Between, waiting to devour more stories. The Stepmother created Pinocchi-Crow, a familiar for her former warlock, Pinocchio; Pinocchi-Crow was made from tattered pieces of stories.
The Gander & The Golden Goose[]
The Gander and Goose are bringers of The Times of Shadow and Times of Plenty respectively. Both are primordial forces of The Neverafter, much like the Big Bad Wolf, allowing them to be heralds of their times where the stories permit it.
Alphonse the Mule[]
Alphonse the Mule was awoken after falling through realms from The Neverafter to The Lands of Birds and Beasts, where he was eventually explained how the realms of story work by Aesop.
Scheherazade, Sinbad, and Aesop[]
Scheherazade and Sinbad were awoken to the nature of The Endless Nights by Scheherazade's planeswalker tome. Aesop was awoken to the nature of The Lands of Birds and Beasts by his planeswalker scroll.
Mürrisch, Schläfrig & Arzt[]
The Three Dwarves were awoken as part of their pact to Snow White, allowing them to persist in death to accomplish their goals.