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Dimension 20 Wiki

Uncle Bob's Fantanimalland is an amusement park in the capital city Hon Ober, on the planet Hon Grii, in the Griivarr Worlds.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes featuring Uncle Bob's Fantanimalland
A Starstruck Odyssey


Uncle Bob's Fantanimalland is an amusement park founded by B.O.B. Griivarr. The majority of the park's attractions are zoo-like exhibits of creatures across the universe, including sentient beings like Aguatunisians and cerebro-slugs.

A Starstruck Odyssey Locations
Ships The Wurst | The Lady Pike | The Bad Call | The Harpy
Planets Lavada Más Vegas Kubla-Cola Gladiatorial Arena
New Texas Baustin Plug's Butt-Ugly Stuff Hut | Swallop's Slop and Gravy Bucket | Jackalope Ridge
Rubian Rubian V Madrugada Station | The Drone's Throne
Hon Grii Hon Ober Uncle Bob's Fantanimalland
Rec Station 97 Blue Heaven The Obfusion Arms
Misc. The Brigader's Bier | The Dome | Vale of Tiers
Misc. Griivarr Worlds | Martini Nebula | Myrmidon Station | Shriagmaus | The Emerald Comet