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Uri, introduced as The Pope of The Last Bastion of the Light, is one of the First Stoats.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Uri
Burrow's End


Uri is double the size of a standard stoat and has a lot of pink flesh between their fur.




  • All First Stoats are named after a theme of light. Uri is a boy's name of Hebrew origin that means "my flame, my light". It was originally a nickname for Uriah, one of the Biblical King David's Warriors, but is also related to Uriel, an Archangel named in many texts. Given how language and deeper meanings permeate the brains of enlightened stoats on subconscious levels, this has interesting implications for the initial message the party receives commanding them to "Follow the Light".
  • All First Stoats, minus Phoebe, use they/them pronouns, not as a form of gender identity, but as a continuous form of the royal "We", "distancing themselves from the idea of what stoats are so they could be more, so they could lead their people in a way that was a step towards humanity without claiming it."[1] This was one of Uri's many methods to set themselves above and apart.
  • If given the time, Aabria had planned to go over how Last Bast had slowly become what it was, and how the First Stoats contributed to that.
  • Hats were absolutely their idea.
Burrow's End Characters
Player Characters Tula | Ava | Jaysohn | Viola | Lila | Thorn Vale
PC Families Kenji | Geoffrey
The Red Warren Auntie Beatrix | Big Walmer | Mila
The Lukura Teedles | Olliver
Last Bast The First Stoats Kiran | Uri | Jomei | Hester | Phoebe
Misc. Sybil | Bennett | Lukas | Meatwolf
Humans Dr. Robert Wenabocker | Dr. Tara Steel
  1. Direct quote from Aabria Iyengar [Burrow's End Episode 9 1:02:43]