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Dimension 20 Wiki

Wannessa is a human who was taken to the Bloom by the Seafoam Court under unknown circumstances and considered their "treasured Guest", although they aren't sure how to look after her. She was briefly being cared for by BINX.

Humans occasionally get brought into the Fey realm either by force, by choice, or by trickery, but they very rarely get to go back. The Court of Seafoam didn't allow Wannessa to walk about very much.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Wanessa
A Court of Fey and Flowers



Wannessa is kind, polite, but afraid and she apparently cries fairly often. She thinks everything at the Bloom is beautiful, but frightening. She is afraid to eat in the fey realm as she is unsure what she is allowed to eat, so she has just been eating Trail Mix which she brought with her. She is protective of Binx, who has shown her kindness even if it is misguided. Their Aura is purple.


Wannessa is described as a "study in human averages". She has medium tan skin, mousy, brown, curly hair that's styled nicely but just pulled back into a ponytail. She is approximately 5'7" and her face is plain but symmetrical. She only has one thumb per hand and can't get any more, which Binx thinks is weird. She is made of mostly water.


Wannessa was brought to the Fey Realms by the Seafoam Court through unknown means. Ephendra claims that she was "presented to us".


Seaside Teatime[]



Andhera initially reacts with shock and dismay towards Wannessa, exclaiming "what the fuck are you?", while Wannessa reacts with fear towards his rain cloud. Andhera then quickly reverts back to an attempt at kindness. He attempts to bond with her by asking what it is like to die, then asks them to tell him when she finds out.

Wannessa becomes mildly aggressive towards Andhera when she thinks he might hurt BINX, and Andhera awkwardly asks to have tea together. Wannessa knows Andhera's title, but does not treat him with reverence because of it- she almost seems to see them as a peer.

BINX Choppley[]

Wannessa is passed over to BINX (disguised as Gwyndolin) by Ephendra, who initially calls her "so weird" which is intended as a compliment but upsets her. Binx does however shows Wannessa a lot of kindness, which causes them to become friends and Wannessa to become protective of Binx. Binx also promises to protect her. Binx orders a tray of chocolate chip muffins for them to share after learning that Wannessa has only been eating trail mix. She becomes surprised when Binx tells her she doesn't have to tell them anything she doesn't want to.

Binx protects Wannessa when the others are being weird and frightening to her, and even threatens them in a deep voice. She also attempts to take a sip to test something Wannessa is about to drink.

During the meeting between Rue and the Seafoam Court, they recognised Binx while they were disguised as a frog and badly disguised it before telling Rue to "say hi to Gwyndolin for me".

Lady Chirp Featherfowl[]

Chirp didn't touch Wannessa's face when they met, because Chirp is married.

Delloso de la Rue[]

Rue tells Wannessa that Binx's offer to test their tea for them was very kind in fey culture. Wannessa tries to avoid drinking the magical tea, but they intimidate her into trying the potions. She takes one that makes her like Rue, but only when Andhera isn't within ten feet due to his charm force field.

Major K.P. Hob[]

Hob frightens Wannessa by being large and scary and crawling over a table to stare intensely at her. He means this in innocent curiosity, but is not very subtle about it. He also implies he has seen and hurt humans before. He licks her face when she starts to cry.

The Seafoam Court[]

Ephendra claims that Wannessa was "presented to us", but Wannessa is not clear on how she got there. They don't seem to know enough about humans to look after her, so they pass her on to Binx temporarily, who at least knows that her crying is a sign of sadness. The Seafoam Court have warned her to be wary of other courts, as they might want to eat her.

Lord Squak Airavis[]

When Squak first meets Wannessa, he puts his hand on their face, which Binx reflexively bats away. He asks her about the New York Times and treadmills, which causes her nose to bleed. She starts crying, and he asks if her tears are a type of quartz or crystal. Wannessa then heals him with some form of magic. He tells Andhera that touching her face hurts. Wannessa and Squak engage in some minor flirting.

As of episode 8, there is a rumour going around that Squak is courting Wannessa, however he couldn't even remember who she was.


According to Aabria Iyengar, Wannessa is a Pastiche of the 'White Girl Isekai' trope such as Alice In Wonderland.

A Court of Fey & Flowers Characters
Player Characters Prince Andhera | BINX Choppley | Lady Chirp Featherfowl | Delloso de la Rue | Gwyndolin Thistle-hop | Major K. P. Hob | Lord Squak Airavis
Animal Companions Grandpa Dog | Mucky | Wrackingspelt
The Goblin Court The Goblin King | Viscountess Grabalba | Scorple
Lord Blemish and Lady Boil | Captain Gorebladder | Ustain Bolt
The Court of Hoof and Claw Theodore
The Seafoam Court Baroness Alven | Ephendra | Kiri | Sorwen | The Wavemaster
The Seelie Court King Oberon | Lady Sylmenar
The Court of Stone Jarl Korguf | Claete | Ruyin
The Unseelie Court The Queen of Air and Darkness | Advisor | Princess Suntar
The House of the Wing Grandfather | Gobble | Caw
The Court of Wonder Prince Apollo | The Blue Fairy | Wuvvy | The Chorus
The Trickster Court Fable
Unknown Courts Capacea | Leona and Thymor | The Hedge Maze
The Material Plane Mika | Scratch | Wannessa | Esmé | Peep | Jeremy Renner
