Welcome to the Spacin' Life, Buddy is the first episode of season 12, A Starstruck Odyssey.
"AnarchEra 220, Hecatoncheires Asteroid Cluster, just outside the Phoebus system. Spinning asteroids floating in space as distant stars glitter on the face of mother void, yellow gleaming hyon beams blast across the space as the Red Hot, a massive Amercadian modified retrofitted smuggler freighter, races through the asteroid belt as hyon beams are fired by pursuing Roid Removers. You guys see a bunch of clampers zooming in past you. Hyon beams skating across the shields of your ship. Gang… roll Initiative."
As they are being chased by Captain De La Vega aboard the Lady Pike through an asteroid field, we meet the crew of the Red Hot.
Norman Takamori is the captain of the vessel known as The Red Hot. A no nonsense, hot-tempered, mean former pilot of the Amercadian Space Brigade. He seems to miss his days of glory and despises his current crew. Riva is the officer in charge of communications. They're a naive and joyful Aguatunisian (those who are ignorant would say fish-people) who's also a psychic and a putty monger, a salesperson for the MLM known as Pleasure Putty. Then, manning the gunner stations is Sundry Sydney, and Big Barry Syx. The former is a discontinued, multipurpose, 50's style droid that escaped the meeting where the CEO of Handy Andi Android Manufacturers was deciding on scrapping her by blasting through the window, throwing a grenade over her shoulder, and roller skating away. The latter is a clone from the Barry Battalion, an elite team of saviors that scourged the galaxy to "un-fuck" the little guys. With a truly bro-esque attitude, he joined the crew after the tragic murder of his other Barry's. In the mechanics station of the ship works Gunthrie Miggles-Rashbax aka "Gunnie." A young short human who became a cyborg after his first venture into space tore him to pieces. The insurance company providing him with his new body has been putting him under more and more debt the longer he lives. Finally, leasing a non functional escape pod as an apartment is Margaret Encino, a UFTP executive and ruthless businesswomen. While working for the company that owns the most planets in the galaxy is a burden on her morals, she helps the crew of the Red Hot even if it disturbs her work.
After coming close to escaping De La Vega's tractor beam and a swarm of Armstrong asteroid removers, the crew is forced to give away their precious loot, the reason behind the chase: 15 crates of Borinyum Krystals. So to not totally lose everything, they create the illusion of a crate so they keep one on the ship. After De La Vega receives the crates, she lets them go. Now that they're a couple light years away, Norman goes on deck to insult the entirety of his crew, berating them for doing an awful job and threatening to fire them all (Clear deflection on the captain's part). As they examine the one crate they got, they realize that it only contained imitation powdered egg-substitute. The captain doesn't have time to be angry however, since a strange slug launches from the crate and goes into his nose.
- Captain Jan De La Vega
- Needles
- Analinda Weatherall (flashback)
- Amercadian Space Brigade
- Cool Water of the Shaded Reef (flashback)
- Rising Bubbles from a Deep Volcanic Vent Many Fathoms Below Us (flashback)
- Sister Mildred of the Cosmic Veil (flashback)
- Handy Andy Corporation
- Max Griivarr (flashback)
- Auma Liu (flashback)
- Dr. Edwina Caster (flashback)
- Dr. Barry Bohunk (flashback)
- Barry Battalion (flashback)
- Barry Nyne (flashback)
- United Free Trade Planets
- Handy Annie
- SQ
- Dora Valentine (flashback)
- Professor Erwin Rashbax (flashback)
- Dr. Jeffrey Miggles (flashback)
- Captain Dan Scrap (flashback)
- Acme Ashmun
- Raymond Zam
- Troikani Partners Board
- Lucienne Rex
- Damien Factor
- Crown and Scepter, Ltd.
- Living Doll (flashback)
- Incorporated Elysian Republic
- Natalia Cicero Connie Lee Carter Bajar
- Dread Dictator