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This article is about the Grandmother Ylfa Snorgelsson is named after from Neverafter, Ylfa Jottensdottir.
For the article about Little Red Riding Hood from Neverafter, see Ylfa Snorgelsson.

"The real friends, the ones that make miracles happen, the ones greater than any treasure you could find on any adventure, they see the wolf in you and love it too." ― Ylfa Jottensdottir to Ylfa Snorgelsson

Ylfa Jottensdottir was Ylfa Snorgelsson's maternal grandmother.

Featured Episodes[]

Episodes Featuring Ylfa


She smells like Selsun Blue and Sensodyne. When she was a girl, she looked very similar to her granddaughter, Ylfa (who was named after her), and also had a similar red hooded cloak that was made by her grandmother.


As a girl, Jottensdottir often travelled the woods to her grandmother's house in a similar fashion to that of her granddaughter. She would follow the rules, not because she wanted to, but because she was scared of retribution. As a grandmother, she was eaten by the Big Bad Wolf while waiting for a visit from her granddaughter, Ylfa. When asked why, he simply said that, "It was her time."


Once Upon a Time[]

When Ylfa is talking to the Big Bad Wolf, he points out just how alike they are. Ylfa was named after her grandmother, who, in turn, would make similar journeys through the wood. Ultimately, though, she had to "die" in order to become her older self.


Jottensdottir is eaten by The Stepmother in her angry rampage to consume stories.

The Trials of Baba Yaga[]

While Ylfa is carrying out her chore for Baba Yaga, she sees a little girl in a red cloak walking along a path. Initially thinking it might be her, she realizes that it is her grandmother, but as a child. Her granddaughter sees that the girl is woefully ignorant of how dangerous the woods are. She also sees that her grandmother wants to pick some wildflowers that are off the path. So using a wind cantrip, Ylfa pushes her in the flowers' direction which she begins to pick. Realizing that someone is there, Jottensdottir asks who is it, after which Ylfa, in wolf form, shows herself, much to the other girl's terror. Ylfa finds out that Jottensdottir is on her way to her grandmother's, and offers to be an escort. She assures her that she won't eat the girl, and commiserates about how adults don't tend to give context for their rules. In trying to introduce herself, however, she can't say her name since the Stepmother had eaten it. This doesn't seem to phase the young girl, though. The two bond over their love for their grandmas, Ylfa asking and giving the girl a hug. She then gives the wolf some of her grandma's clothes, and the two make their way to Jottensdottir's grandma's house, bonding over the things that Ylfa will come to love about her grandmother in the future. However, when they get to Jottensdottir's grandma's house, Ylfa notices the chicken coop next to it, and realizes the job that the Baba Yaga asked her to do, and weeping, says goodbye.

The Ending of All Things (Part 2)[]

For a second, Jottensdottir is seen in the mouth of the Stepmother when she appears in the Canonade. However, having given the memory of her grandmother to the Baba Yaga, Ylfa no longer recognizes her.


Ylfa Snorgelsson[]

When her Grandma was still alive, Ylfa was a total grandma girl, and her Grandma used to braid her hair with the thickest, tightest braids, which Timothy remarks can be used as rope. The two of them used to play bridge and gin Rummy all the time.

Unnamed Grandmother[]

Jottensdottir says her grandmother is the best, and taught her pinochle.


  • Grandma Jottensdottir brushes her teeth with Sensodyne and baking soda.
Neverafter Characters
Player Characters Princess Rosamund du Prix | Pinocchio
Prince Gerard of Greenleigh | Puss in Boots
Mother Timothy Goose | Ylfa Snorgelsson
PC Families Mother Snorgelsson | Ylfa Jottensdottir
Princess Elody of Greenleigh | Geppetto
Henry Hubbard | Jack Hubbard-Goose
PC Stories Tomas | Ricard | Marco | Alphonse the Mule
The Woodsman | Big Bad Wolf | Candlewick | Cricket
Il Terribile Pescecane | Prince Jonathan of Apogee
The Chandling
Boffit | Old King Cole | The Red Hen
Herr Drosselmyer | Eidelgrin | Senator
Lord Bandlebridge | Stephan | Magic Mirror
Elegy Donal | Fairy Godmother's Minions
Other Cressida Lumley
The Lullaby Lands Dish | Spoon | Pete the Cow | Itsy Bitsy Spider
Little Miss Muffet | Mayor Harold Hopps
The Endless Nights Scheherazade | Sinbad
Snowhold The Snow Queen | Koschei the Deathless | Baba Yaga
The Council
of Kings
The Baron of Bricks | The Mer-King | The Naked Emperor
The Tzar of Snowhold | The Mouse King | The King of Apogee
Tiny Humans Thumbelina | Tom Thumb | Jack, the Giant-Killer
Other Mürrisch, Schläfrig & Arzt | The Sword of Veritas
Alba Mac Lir | Flat William
The Fairies Nara | Bella | Nura | Anma | Hilda | Turquina
The Wicked Fairy | Fairy Godmother
The Princesses Cinderella | Snow White
Rapunzel | Mira | La Bête
Miscellaneous Beaky | The Authors | The Stepmother | Fox and Rabbit | The Gander
Aesop | The Golden Goose | Pinocchi-Crow | Key & Legend
